Chapter 28

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Author's note; Sorry it had been so long since an update. I had a lot of dramas lately that took me away from my favourite thing to do; writing fanfic. I am back with a funny chapter. Lots of gossip occur, DongFeng are happy until Dijun makes Feng Jiu angry and she threatens to call solicitors. 

Rated: 18+ for adult themes


A lavishly decorated palanquin made of pink ivory wood, gold and silk curtains, carried by a retinue of celestial soldiers arrived at First Prince summer residence stopping by the entrance. Two palace maids stepped forward to open the curtains and reveal second princess Zhi Yue from Fang Xu Realm, now first wife to Lord Zhang Dong, high ranking general in the Celestial War Ministry. Dressed in an ice blue silk dress with pearl brooches in her dark hair, her full lips painted a vibrant red and her eyes rim with black kohl. She stepped forward, placing her delicate hands in the waiting arms of the maids that helped her step out of her palanquin and cross the threshold of the palace gates where Consort Le Xu, her biological aunt, was waiting for her.

"Zhi Yue greets her Aunt Le Xu." Zhi Yue said and curtsy slightly to her aunt who nodded her head.

"Zhi Yue, you are more beautiful everyday. Marriage really suits you." Consort Le Xu said with a small smile. Her face a serene mask of peaches and cream, her glossy dark hair pulled into the style of dowager mothers, her dress a light coral blush encrusted with pearls in the bodice.

"Aunt is too kind to me." Zhi Yue said smiling.

"Come inside for some tea and confections. I am having deliver samples of all the food that shall serve for my son's wedding banquet. No expense is been spare." Consort Le Xu said as she picked up her skirts to walk up the stairs for her parlour. "A donkey polo tournament will be held seeing as so many nobles are coming to the Celestial Summer palace."

"Yes, my handsome Lord Husband will participate." Zhi Yue said smiling and then added. "I heard Bai Feng Jiu managed what no woman could do in millions of years. Bewitch Donghua Dijun into marriage."

Picking up her skirts in one perfectly manicure hand, Consort Le Xu headed inside the palace and her niece followed her. "She has utterly seduced him. His Lordship has even gone as far as to rescind his rights as a man to take concubines at her demand."

"Bai Feng Jiu certainly knows how play her cards, he disrobed for her and renounced his vow of celibacy, took her to a mock mortal trial and then promptly married her." Zhi Yue said with a hint of jealousy, she had wanted to marry His Lordship and enjoyed the high rank that came with been his Lady Wife. "She is a smart one, she made His Lordship sign into their marriage that he would not keep a Harem effectively making sure she would never have any competition."

"It is the fox seduction magic." Consort Le Xu said as they sat in silk cushions and where served tea. "Seven tail fox women, and above, are born naturally seductive in appearance and when they reach puberty, they manifest a seduction spell that when seen by a man makes them fall into madness."

Zhi Yue nodded, she had always suspected something of the sort. "I think she had help, certainly as she is connected to Dijun through marriage as her Uncle Bai Zhen is married to Zhe Yan, and also politically through her grandfather who is like a brother to His Lordship."

"My Lord Husband, tells me it's a plot to overtake the Nine Heavens through marriage. They marry Bai Quian to my son, and she will now be Heavenly Empress and later they offer a young girl to Donghua Dijun to buy his favour." Consort Le Xu said, her face a mask of derision. "Dijun took Bai Feng Jiu to Bihai Cangling when he married her three years ago. No one sets foot in those islands and yet she was taken there for their honeymoon. I say she seduced him while Tai Chen Palace three hundred years ago and he has been seeing her on and off for years until she came of age for marriage."

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