Chapter 37

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Tai Chen Summer Palace had been built in accordance to designed building plans hand drawn by His Lordship's in which Donghua had built a secret underground operations and storage underneath the palace. Farther away, in the surrounding forest that was heavily shielded and patrolled by guards disguised as gardeners, an underground facility with holding cells and dungeons had also been built. The plans for those facilities had never been submitted to the Records Office of the Nine Heavens and they were kept under lock in one of the many storage facilities underneath Tai Chen Summer Palace.

Feng Jiu followed her Lord Husband down a winding path towards the underground dungeons in the forest, her Aunt and Fourth Uncle had wanted to come but they have been forbidden by Donghua. Only Feng Jiu would be allowed to attend to Yan's interrogation session because Donghua had no intention of displaying his mind reading capabilities to them. Reaching what looked like a small stone shed in the middle of a courtyard, Donghua reached forward towards the enchanted lock and Feng Jiu heard the sound of the door unlocking before it swung opened to reveal a winding stone stairwell. Down that stairwell there were holding cells, secret storage facilities were many treasures were kept and Yan Chiwu been held behind enchanted iron bards that repelled fairy magic. Entering the cell, Feng Jiu saw Yan had been tied up in magical sisal rope that had been enchanted to tightened whenever its captive move. In a corner of the room there was a small were ice water was held in a basin and Donghua scoop up some water with a wooden cup that had a long handle and poured it on Yan's face who sputtered awake.

"Bastard Ice Face." Yan sputtered as he shook his face and tried to blink away the water.

"I told you already to get more creative with your insults." Donghua said calmly.

"Shit smelling asshole." Yan said viciously.

"A little better." Donghua nodded in approval.

Yan tried to move in the magical rope and found it tightening around his body. "What the fuck did you do to me?"

"I put you to sleep." Donghua said as though Yan was thick. "I will ask questions and you will answer me truthfully or I will forcibly quest your mind and leave you brain dead."

Yan snorted. "The rumours are true. Ice Face prick is a mind reader." He said and Donghua glared.

"Tell us the tale of Bai Lei been captured." Donghua commanded.

"I told you Xu Yang caught Bai Lei." Yan affirmed again as Feng Jiu watched his facial expression and sniffed the air around him. When people lied they smelled different from they told the truth and she had been trained by Bai Zhen to tell the difference ever since she was a young kit.

"How exactly?" Donghua asked.

Yan stared between Feng Jiu and Donghua before deciding to tell the nasty details. "Bai Lei was making his way up the Demon Realm military ranks in Xu Yang's province and he was caught. He did not really drop his disguise until Xu Yang's interrogators hacked off his arm."

Feng Jiu gasped in horror and Donghua turned away from Yan to look into her horrified face. Perhaps, he had been wrong to bring her to hear what Yan had to say, Demon Realm interrogation techniques were rather savage.

"You really need to make up your mind about trading with me. I don't give Bai Lei much more to live. He has not yet told everything but when the torture starts men will say anything to make it stop." Yan said as he looked Feng Jiu in the eye hoping to convey the seriousness of the situation.

Feng Jiu felt cold and she looked away from Yan's intense stared, her Uncle Bai Lei had taught her to disguised herself with her fox magic when a teacher had given up on her, he had also been the one to defend her worst antics. Bai Lei was often away from his province, a tree spirit served as his steward in the Western Lands and her Uncle Bai Zhen would visit often to keep affairs in order. He was part of the special operations forces, her father Bai Yi's second in command, and ran the most dangerous and secretive of missions. Feng Jiu only knew because she had heard many secrets while skulking about in her fox form, but she knew the Demon Realm was considered a dangerous enemy and spying on them was of outmost importance.

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