Chapter 76

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Authors note: I had to recalibrate the fanfic, life is getting really intense, and this is supposed to be an escape from the outside world. I am mellowing out the challenging parts. In this chapter, DongFeng celebrates their anniversary, mature content ahead. Please vote and comment on your fav parts.

Rated: 18+ for adult themes and sexual content.


Donghua had received an early morning call through the silver mirror by the small table near the bed from Third Prince, who had arrived in the Valley with some critical reports. Feng Jiu was unceremoniously picked up from the bed and showered before been left behind, huddling under the covers of the awful boxy bed she disliked so much.

Her favourite sleeping position was curled using Donghua as a pillow, but the bed had forced her to sleep with her legs straight and her back jammed against the wooden railing. After an hour of tossing and turning in the bed and feeling hungry, a knock alerted Feng Jiu to someone asking to come in.

"Serene Highness," ChaCha called out. "May I come in? His Lordship said you required some clothing."

Feng Jiu sat up in the bed, rolling up in the blankets and silk sheets. "Come on in, ChaCha." She said, and the door open to reveal a blushing ChaCha with a bundle of clothes in her arms.

"Serene Highness, I went looking for you but could not find you. A servant came for me and told me that His Lordship had something to say, to pick up a full set of clothing for you." ChaCha chatter as Feng Jiu slipped on her silk chemise as ChaCha then help her with the wrap-around breast bindings made of silk. "On my way here, I saw a maid that is serving Her Imperial Highness, Crown Princess Consort, with a message for you."

"My Aunt?" Feng Jiu asked as she slipped on her silk pantalet and secured the fastenings.

"Yes," ChaCha said as she brought out the blue dress and helped Feng Jiu into it. "Crown Princess Consort is inviting you for breakfast in the gardens inside her residence."

"Of course I will go," Feng Jiu said, feeling hungry as she sat down on a stool and let ChaCha tamed her hair into an orderly hairstyle.

"His Lordship also sends word that he found Her Serene Highness sapphire sword in the wreckage," ChaCha said as she looped Feng Jiu's red hair after braiding it.

Feng Jiu blinked as ChaCha finished pining a silk flower in her hair. "My sword was missing?" She asked and felt stupid; she had not noticed her sword had been lost in the battle.

"Nothing to worry about. It was delivered to your chambers in a wooden box." ChaCha said as Feng Jiu stood up to walk outside.

"I want to go see it," Feng Jiu said and together, they walked down to her rooms to find a wooden box had been delivered. Approaching it, Feng Jiu opened it and with shock saw two blades ready for a hilt inside.

"They are so beautiful," ChaCha said as her eyes open in wonder at the brilliance of the crimson blades.

"I forgot I lost them and forgot I had made two." Feng Jiu said as she ran her fingers over the blades. She would need two hilts to make sure the blades could be used.

"Good morning, Xiao Jiu." Bai Quian's voice called out from behind her and Feng Jiu turned to see her Aunt walking inside her residence dressed in a light green silk dress.

"Morning Auntie," Feng Jiu said and opened her arms to receive Xinyi who came running into the room in her fox form to jump into Feng Jiu's arms. "Where is Ah Li?"

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