Chapter 57

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Author's note: The flashbacks are always in italics. I have been teasing along with a pregnancy for quite some time and people have guessed it is not a surprise. However, this is a pretty emotional time for DongFeng who have experienced infertility. I did this on purpose to show consent and need to have wanted babies. Feng Jiu, throughout the fanfic, wants to get married to Dijun, then she wants to go to bed with him, and now she wants the baby she is carrying. Fanyin Valley Arc will not be like in the series or book; in this Arc DongFeng will grow into their marriage and discuss the various issues they will face. Ji Heng will show up, and so will Yan, they are a couple but the poor girl is strange because she is recovering from her previous ordeal.

Rated: 18+ for adult themes.


Donghua hesitated, his mouth a hard line and Feng Jiu grew exasperated."I want to know."

"I think... " Donghua exhale as he looked into her eyes. " are pregnant."

Feng Jiu shuddered, her face relaxing into shock as she stared at Donghua. She counted the days in her head since her last moonblood. "It had to have happened when we were in Bihai Cangling last." She whispered.

"Feng Jiu, I cannot be sure," Donghua said, he had not wanted to reveal to her what he suspected for fear of it not been confirmed.

Feng Jiu was not listening; since the moment they had married, she had wanted babies. It had been her one dominant thought, and she remembered having been disappointed the first time she saw her moonblood had come while they had been training in the time portal in Bihai Cangling.....

Feng Jiu washed her hands in the basin, in the time portal where Donghua had taken her to train and spent time together, there was a replica of Shaoyang Manor. When Feng Jiu had wondered about it, Donghua had told her that this Universe was the twin sister of the one they inhabited. Only in this one, he was dead, and her ancestor had never survived her trial erasing the possibility of Feng Jiu's birth.

They had been training hard when she had felt pressure in her lower abdomen, signalling her moonblood was near. Donghua had started teaching her monkey kung fu that he had learned in a Shaolin temple during his travels after he retired from the position of Heavenly Lord and became a monk.

Stepping out of the bath chambers, Feng Jiu found Donghua had come back from outside and waited for her in their bedroom. She smiled at him and sat by his, a blush blooming on her cheeks. "I just got my moonblood." Feng Jiu mumbled and felt Donghua hand at her shoulder.

"Do not be upset; this is normal," Donghua said, but Feng Jiu felt shy. Although they had been for almost a month, this was a new intimacy.

Feng Jiu nodded, and she felt his knuckles caressing her cheeks before his thumb and forefinger caught her earlobe and massaged it gently. A thought occurred to Feng Jiu as she grabbed his larger hand in her smaller ones. "Husband," She called.

"Yes," Donghua answered back, his voice low and sweet.

"I am not pregnant yet, but it might happen next month." Feng Jiu said and looked up, hoping to see him gazing tenderly back at her and found he looked rather upset. "I know right now, maybe it is not the best time for a child as you are training me, but I have not eaten the contraceptive peaches, and I might fall pregnant soon."

Donghua looked upset, his shoulders rigid. "You should not worry about that."

"But, I am not pregnant now; however, it might happen next month. How will everyone react if I were to show up with a baby?" Feng Jiu said and letting go of his hand, she picked up a small pillow in the bed and cradled it in her arms. "I want babies in the future." She said and looked at the pillow, imagining a small child in her arms.

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