Chapter 14

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"I'm going to choose a steward to keep the ledgers of the silk production." Feng Jiu said as she finished the recuperating soup for Mo Yuan.

"Why? I did the ledgers myself." Bai Quian questioned.

"Yes, but I'm married woman, I need to take care of my husband, and Dijun's primary residence is in the Nine Heavens." Feng Jiu explained and poured the soup in a simple ceramic pot.

"Are you happy, Xiao Jiu?" Bai Quian asked as she stared at her niece.

"I love Donghua Dijun." Feng Jiu answered with a flush to her face.

Bai Quian looked at her relaxed, happy face, and thought that taciturn as Dijun was in public there must be soft spot in his heart where Feng Jiu had found a place to call home. "I'm glad."

"I am happy for you as well but don't forget you still have many studies to complete, lassie." Bai Zhen reminded. "You need to prove yourself to the Small Council who are rather skeptical of Dijun, much as they respect him, they fear his authority over you."

"They are a bunch of clucking old men; they would not question my marriage if I where a man." Feng Jiu said, her eyes flashing in anger.

"That may be true, Xiao Jiu, but you need their regional support as well as the trust of the men who will one day be your Generals." Bai Quian said with a shrugged.

"Jiu Jiu, you have the support of your First Uncle who heads the Ministry of War. He staunchly supports your claim to the throne as well as your Third Uncle. We will support you in your pursuit of the Crown Princess status, but this will take time and dedication. You will become the first woman to hold this title and become Queen." Bai Zhen said.

Feng Jiu grimaced, she had been raised to take the throne from the moment she could walk, this was her destiny. However, there was still time for her to enjoy the life she wanted to build with Donghua. "Aunty, you need to marry Crown Prince quick, I don't want to spend so much time away from my own husband. I didn't marry him to live apart." Feng Jiu fretted.

"Once you settle into your role as Queen of the Eastern Lands in Quing Qiu things will smooth themselves out. You have Mi Gu who runs the place, not much is needed to be done besides overseeing the production of Silk. The Hearing of Grievances can be schedule once a month. I will help, lassie." Bai Quian said soothingly.

"Thank you, Aunt."

"Don't thank me, Xiao Jiu, we will need each other in the future. Once Ye Hua takes the throne as Heavenly Lord he will need the support of your Lord Husband, retired as Donghua Dijun maybe, he continues to hold sway over the Four Realms." Bai Quian reminded.

Feng Jiu had come to understand that while Donghua had created the title of Heavenly Lord, her powerful husband had been born into the tittle of Master of the Universe. It was Donghua Dijun's divine right to rule and bring to heel the Four Realms and Six Directions, immortals who understood this kowtowed to him.

"Aunt." Feng Jiu said with a serious face. "Crown Prince is my Lord Husbands choice for Heavenly Lord. You will always have our support."

Bai Quian saw the magic building around Feng Jiu as she said these words. Mo Yuan had told her that Donghua Dijun would never take to wife a woman who would not one day be his equal, she now saw this to be the truth.

"Another thing, lassie, Lord Father thought it silly for you to continue to carry the title of Little Princess now that you are a married woman. You will now be style with the title I had before becoming queen; Princess Royal."

Feng Jiu smiled. "I like the sound of that."

"Lord Father wants to make you sound important; the Small Council likes titles." Bai Zhen remarked.

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