Chapter 32

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Rated: 18+ for adult themes, sexual content.


Donghua had a habit of eating a strong breakfast after rigorous training, however Feng Jiu had the habit of a full meal before nightfall. Eating a full meal late at night before going to bed could cause heartburn and disrupt sleep, Donghua had lectured her and found it fell on deaf ears. Feng Jiu had retorted back that she would eat late a night and put in her mouth anything she wanted. Donghua had shook his head at her at which point she proceeded to bite his neck and all logical argument had fled his mind.

This had all led to Feng Jiu having written down the ingredients to be chopped up and delivered on the enchanted table allowing her to roast the vegetables and meat. Donghua had built her a roaring fire and had conjured up the necessary elements for her to cook her meal. Feng Jiu was currently squatting by the fire turning over her lamb chops and vegetables with a pair of chopsticks.

"Maybe I should have ordered some rice." Feng Jiu mused aloud to Donghua who was staring at her bare legs and arms with interest.

He hummed back to her, her sensitive ears picking up the sound when others could not. Donghua stared at her legs, she was wearing something Feng Jiu had called shorts, but to him they look like a short version of pantalets. Feng Jiu had been miffed when he had said so, insisting they where shorts, and the sleeveless shirt she was wearing was not underwear either but a perfect shirt. She had commissioned them from the seamstress from a design she had drawn and several variations of them in different fabric would be deliver to her in the coming weeks.

Finally satisfied her meat and vegetables where cook, Feng Jiu placed them on a platter and walked back to Donghua was sitting by a low table wearing his inner shirt and pantalets. She placed the food by the low table and then sat in between his legs as she ate, occasionally sharing with him, as they drank wine. There was a pleasant breeze from the ocean that swept through the foliage and made Feng Jiu shivered as she snuggled closer to him and felt his arm hug her to his body. Finished with dinner, Feng Jiu placed the dishes on the enchanted table and saw Donghua sent them to kitchens in Tai Chen Palace with a bore sweep of his fingers.

The magic that had built between them earlier in the day had settle like a still lake but as the hours went by Feng Jiu felt restless. She felt Donghua easing her mental strained through their bond, she was still much too young to contain so much power within her and he took pains in redirecting her powers outwards and into the soil.

"It will be all right to release the energy into Bihai Cangling tonight, little love." Donghua whispered into her ear, his hot breath making her shiver.

"Is that why you set up so many enchanted candles and drew so many purifying drawings into the ground?" Feng Jiu asked as she saw the various sacred drawings pulsing with energy, later to released it into the sacred soil of Bihai Cangling.

"Yes, my girl." Donghua said as he laced their fingers together and Feng Jiu felt him grow hard under his robes. "I frightened you earlier, this will not happen again, little love." As he said this, he released one of her hands to cup a breast and massaged gently.

"I love you." Feng Jiu whispered as she closed her eyes and stroke his forearm.

Power built between them once again, a gentle whisper of the primitive magic that had given birth to Donghua in the Holy Blue Sea and the power of the primordial spirit that had descended from the Heavens upon Feng Jiu's ancestors.

A few of the candles slowly lit up dispersing the rise of magic between.

Turning in his arms, Feng Jiu kissed him with abandon, her lips gentle as she sought to part his lips and taste his mouth. His hands caressed her back and slipped underneath her shirt to softly touch her skin. Donghua's tongue gently twined with her own, making her moan as he took over their kiss.

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