Chapter 75

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Author notes: This chapter will lay out the groundwork for the next few chapters before Feng Jiu gives birth to Gun Gun. DongFeng talk through their problems.

Rated: 18+ for adult themes and sexual content.


"You were wrong," Bai Quian said as they breakfasted together the following morning.

Fresh flowers were arranged in bunches, and plates full of food adorned the table they were sitting on. Feng Jiu was famished, she had woken up at the break of dawn and had spent an entire hour doing yoga working up a massive appetite, but she still stopped eating in outrage at what her Aunt had said.

"Me?!" Feng Jiu said as she pointed at her chest.

"Yes," Bai Quian said. "Also, I was wrong. It takes maturity to put away your pride and apologize."

Feng Jiu doubted that as proud as her Aunt was, she would apologize. "Did you apologize to Crown Prince?"

"Of course, I did."Bai Quian said, leaving Feng Jiu confused with her spoon full of cake halfway to her mouth. "I not only put myself in danger instead of sending guards. I also put in danger the safety of our unborn baby. I was terrible. But I am old and have no shame in admitting when I am wrong."

"No, this is Uncle Bai Zhen's fault." Feng Jiu said as she banged the table, rattling the dishes.

"I agree with you on that one, but it is also your fault." Bai Quian said and served herself more cake. "With my morning sickness gone, I eat more in the morning."

"Do you know what Donghua did?" Feng Jiu said to her Aunt, making her raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Bai Quian asked as she swallowed.

"He slept in the cot downstairs instead of sleeping in the same bed as me." Feng Jiu said, banging the table once more and making the dishes jump.

"You have seen what he looks like. Why did you run to him during the fight?" Bai Quian asked, still unable to shake the terrifying image of Donghua in his primitive form.

"Oh, I saw him in that form before." Feng Jiu dismissively still thinking of how he had walked away from her last night.

"When?" Bai Quian asked, surprised her niece was so nonchalant.

"When Deliang kidnapped me. Miao Lou chase us, and he had to fight her. It is awful when Old God's fight, it is physically painful." Feng Jiu said and shiver hugging herself.

Bai Quian rolled her eyes, it was evident that the only terrifying monster to Feng Jiu was Mia Lou. "Whatever."

"Anyways, not only did he sleep in the cot downstairs, but when I tried to walk past the stairs, I was stopped by a shield." Feng Jiu growled, and her nine tails unfurled as her canines grew, the last few words coming out in a growl instead of her usual little girl's voice. "We were kissing and with the moonlight it was so romantic, and then he had to spoil it."

"You mean to tell me you are angry he did not share the bed with you last night and stop you from going down the staircase."

"Yes. It is terrible." Feng Jiu said angrily and then cupped her hands together, her eyes turned dreamy. "We kissed like this," She said as she kissed the palm of her hands noisily, and her Aunt rolled her eyes. "And it was perfect."

Bai Quian had a long conversation with Bai Zhen before coming in to eat with Feng Jiu, and he had said something that had left her thinking. "Did you promise His Lordship to teleport out the Valley if danger came?"

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