A New Day - The End

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Zhe Yan sealed Feng Jiu's heart wound and tended to Donghua's damage body in Peach Orchard. The Demon realm was filled with life and vegetation and Yan had been crowned Supreme Demon Lord, marrying Ji Heng shortly after. Feng Jiu had been bedridden and could not attend.

Months later, Feng Jiu gave birth to a baby girl with dark hair and purple eyes who turned into a golden fox pup with nine tails after her birth. A few weeks later, Donghua and Feng Jiu traveled to Bihai Cangling with their young family to bathe in the healing springs and recover.

Gun Gun clapped his hand as he laughed at the sight of birds flying so close above his head. He was sitting on a white wool blanket, his small white tigers running around chasing the birds. The sun was setting and cast his silver hair in a golden glow.

Sitting on a dais, his mother watched him closely, a baby girl in her arms sleeping peacefully. Feng Jiu crooned and rocked her daughter gently in her arms. Donghua's hand caressed the top of her head and Feng Jiu looked up into his eyes with a smile.

"Have you thought of a name yet?" Feng Jiu asked him.

"Caihong," Donghua reply, and Feng Jiu smiled.

"A rainbow in the sky," Feng Jiu said and looked down at her daughter with her lustrous dark hair. "That is a fitting name."

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