Chapter 23

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Author's note; Bittersweet chapter. Sexual content, look away. XD

Rated: 18+ for adult themes, sexual content. Bai Feng Jiu/Dong Hua Dijun fanfiction lemon.


Feng Jiu had helped her Aunt into a white dress, tying white ribbons into her hair as evening fell. Bai Quian sat staring at Ye Hua, while Feng Jiu left to wait for Donghua in the main parlour. A chime of magic announced His Lordship, who appeared in a cloud of white smoke walking before First Prince, Lian Song and Consort Le Xu and a delegation of Celestial soldiers carrying a crystal coffin.

Standing up from her seat and curtsied. "Feng Jiu greets her Lord Husband."

As per imperial regulation, Feng Jiu, while accompany by her Lord Husband was to be greeted. First Prince and Lian Song bowed to her, Consort Le Xu curtsied. "Serene Highness."

"Lady Wife, alert your Aunt that we are here for Crown Prince." His Lordship told her, and Feng Jiu nodded.

Walking into her Aunt's chambers, she found her Aunt wiping Ye Hua's face and fixing his clothing. "They are here, I know this for I felt Donghua Dijun's magic passing through the Celestial Shields placed over Quing Qiu." Her Aunt said with a distant voice. "I am ready for the formalities."

Together they walked out into the main to meet His Lordship. Bai Zhen and his husband, Zhe Yan who was sitting down and calmly drinking tea, where attendance as well as Mi Gu who stood in a corner.

"High Goddess Bai Quian, I have come to you with an unfavourable request. Although I know of your devotion to Crown Prince, the Heavenly Lord and his parents have not seen him since he passed away. His parents have already prepared a crystal coffin for his body to be place in the sacred sea of innocence to be given offerings."

Bai Quian looked at the ground and shook her head. "Although, I do not want to give you his body, I will. I want to go with you to the burial grounds."

"You may accompany us, High Goddess Bai Quian. The marriage contract was signed between the Fox Clan and the Celestial Tribe, although the wedding banquet was not held the marriage was registered by Nuwa in the book of marriages." First Prince said slowly.

Zhe Yan, Bai Zhen and Mi Gu brought out Ye Hua's body in a stretcher and Celestial soldiers placed him inside the crystal coffin as Consort Le Xu sobbed in utter misery. Feng Jiu held on to her Aunt as Donghua waved his hand, teleporting the entire delegation to the gates of the Nine Heaven's Celestial Palace. His Lordship walked in the forefront, leading the funeral procession, and Feng Jiu followed a few steps behind with her Aunt who had refused her help and walked with what little strength she had left in her body. Consort Le Xu, First Prince and Lian Song walked behind them with a stone face. They where greeted by entire celestial tribe who knelt as Crown Prince's coffin was carried by and said.

"Welcome back Crown Prince."

Bai Quian had managed to stand in for Ye Hua's viewing, where she was offered condolences by the entire Celestial Tribe, and later for his entombment in the Sea of Innocence. Her Aunt had been stone face as chains where placed around Ye Hua's coffin and it was suspended from stone pillars. However, as soon as Feng Jiu had brought her back to the Fox Den, she had fallen into a deep coma, her mind caving in on itself due to the psychic strain of losing her mated pair. Zhe Yan had stayed by her side, working a strange magic on her that would rouse her enough to eat only to fall asleep later.

Many months later, Bai Quian had given birth to a baby girl who had turned into an orange eight tail fox after birth and had promptly been place on Feng Jiu arms. Feng Jiu's grandmother had looked at the child and had named her Xinyi meaning happy, joyous or delighted hoping to inspire a happy future for the babe. Officials from the Nine Heavens had descended to Qing Qiu to inquired after the gender of the baby but had left Feng Jiu with the child the moment they had realized that it was a girl, Ah Li however, was an entirely different story, and Feng Jiu had been forced to part with him after he had calm down enough to be handed over to tutors that would teach him to become the next Crown Prince as his father had passed away.

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