Chapter 50

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News of Xu Yang's arrest had travelled fast to the Demon Realm, and the Lord's from the provinces had been summoned to the capital by Xu Yang's steward. Yan had made his way to the Capital in a sour mood; Ji Heng had not been able to sleep unless she drank a sleeping potion, and she would often repeat how Min Su was dead. Donghua had sent word that he had rescued Meng Hao, but he was in a coma at Tai Chen Palace. The Ice Face bastard had the gall to command him to take care of Ji Heng. But his gamble had paid off, Donghua had sent a shipment of food that had arrived earlier in the day, potatoes and rice, but more food than what he had seen in millennia.

"The Gods think to make a fool of us. They have kidnapped Supreme Demon Lord Xu Yang to shame us." Demon Lord Jianyu said from his seat.

"Xu Yang was a piece of shit," Yan said as he calculated just how much food he had to distribute to his armies and people. Civil War was coming, and he needed supplies to withstand the challenging battles ahead.

"Demon Lord Yan, you have always plotted against Supre-" Demon Lord Bingwen started to say before Yan shut him down swiftly.

"Shut the fuck up, you worm," Yan growled, his eyes glowing red as he unsheathed a dagger. "Everyone in this room knew just how far Xu Yang had sunk in his pursuit of black magic."

"Demon Lord Yan, it seems to me you are happy that Supreme Lord Yang has been arrested on fake charges." Demon Lord Nye Chuyin suddenly said from his seat amongst animal pelts.

"You are a sack of shit as well, Nye Chuyin," Yan said as he stood up from his seat in a fighting stance.

A red sheen rolled over Nye Chuyin's eyes as Yan said this, his canines lengthened. "How dare you."

"You are a piece of shit," Yan repeated viciously before Nye Chuyin lounged at him from his seat to land a punch on his face before ending on his back with a Yan's demon blade at his throat. "But shit would be insulted to end up on the same category as you."

"Demon Lord Yan, cease this at once." Demon Lord Jianyu yelled from his chair; he was a fat man, slow with his sword and mind, having served as Xu Yang's right hand man for his weakness for years.

"Shut up!" Yan spat out and pressed his knife closer to Nye's throat.

"I am going to kill you for this." Nye Chuyin growled out, the last words coming out as a gurgle as he pushed himself against Yan's knife, cutting his throat and bringing out his demon sword.

Yan's eyes widened for a second before he jumped out as Nye Chuyin's sword sliced the were his arm had been just momentarily. Nye Chuyin leaped to his feet as blood drip from his sliced up throat, a red miasma surrounded him, and his skin stitched itself back together as Yan watched in horror.

"Xu Yang is in the custody of the God's of the Nine Heavens. I am his obvious successor as I carry within me the blood of the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, the Master Architect, Miao Lou." Nye Chuyin proclaimed.

"You have sold yourself out to that bitch." Yan growled.

"I will take pleasure in watching her drain you of your primordial spirit."

"I will not call you Supreme Demon Lord. You are a sack of shit." Yan growled and then look around the room at the scare faces of the Demon Lords. "This is it. You will have to choose." He roared. "It is either I rule you, or you give yourself up to piece of shit Nye Chuyin and his soul-sucking mistress, Miao Lou."

A chill descended on the room as the name of the most feared person in the Universe was spoken. Donghua Dijun had left behind a fierce, bloody legend, but Miao Lou cruelty knew no limits. Many of the Demon Lord's had seen family fall dead before their very eyes when they had disobeyed the Demon Queen.

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