Chapter 86

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Author's note: I am BAAAACKK!

Wow, this took a long time to write. This chapter will tie up the loose ends of political problems in the Nine Heavens and Ye Hua's ascension as Heavenly Lord. Feng Jiu will give birth next chapter. 



Donghua was gone for two solid weeks, and Feng Jiu only knew about his whereabouts thanks to their mental bond. Everything that happened between the Fairies and the Ghouls at their border was quietly being swept undercover. If word were to get out that a Great General from the Nine Heavens had ordered his troops to stand down while civilians were slaughtered, the political fallout would be disastrous.

Zhang Dong had been personally appointed by Hao De after Mo Yuan's tragic passing, and the Lords of the Celestial Tribe had never approved. Turmoil had been a constant shadow over the internal affairs of the Nine Heavens after High God Mo Yuan's death and Hao De's abysmal tenure as Heavenly Lord. Only Donghua's authority had held the Nine Heavens together and kept the tribes from falling into dangerous political games.

Feng Jiu could only hope that all would calm down after Ye Hua took his place as Heavenly Lord. His presence had long been respected in the Court, more so now that he had married his Aunt. Bringing into check the Nine Heavens' most powerful political ally, Quing Qiu. Bai Quian's pregnancy was even more assurance of another potential Royal Heir. Everyone waited with bated breath to see her give birth to a prince.

But there was one more woman pregnant in the Nine Heavens, and her pregnancy was not nearly as politically charged as Feng Jiu and Bai Quian's. Cheng Yu gave birth at the end of the second week of Donghua's absence, and Feng Jiu had rushed to her side, sending a messenger to alert Third Prince.

The afternoon's heat was wearing on, and Feng Jiu saw the maids running inside Third Prince's palace with buckets of water. She was helped out of her palanquin by Bao, who never left her side as of late.

Her dresses had been let go at the waist to accommodate her growing belly, she had grown wobbly on her feet as her center of gravity shifted. Gathering her silk skirts with one hand, Feng Jiu slowly stepped out of the palanquin, grabbing Bao's hand.

A guard approached and whispered a message to a nearby maid who hurried to Bao's side and whispered in her ear. Bao nodded and turned to an expectant Feng Jiu. "Serene Highness, I have been notified that Third Prince is on his way."

Feng Jiu nodded as they hurried inside, past many hallways and through many rooms until they reached the birthing chamber. Cheng Yu was lying on her back, breathing heavily as contractions came over her body. She turned to look at Feng Jiu, who carefully sat by her side and smile tenderly.

"You are here too early," Cheng Yu said and closed her eyes in pain, gritting her teeth. "The midwife says I have at least fourteen hours left to go."

"That long?" Feng Jiu asked and received the damp cloth Bao gave her to wipe away the sweat from Cheng Yu's brow.

"First-timers always go that long before giving birth, Serene Highness," a midwife standing by the bed answered as she bowed to Feng Jiu. "Third Princess is taking longer to dilate for the babe to pass."

Feng Jiu turned to Cheng Yu and wiped away the sweat from her brow. "All will be well. Women do give birth all the time."

"Oh, I have been in battle and fared through worse." Cheng Yu said and squeeze Feng Jiu's hand tightly. "It is just that this constant pain only a few minutes apart... it can nerve wracking."

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