Chapter 6

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Author's note ; This chapter follows very, very loosely Eternal Love (A.K.A TMOPB) ep 50. Also, there is mature sexual content. This chapter features Caveman!Donghua. Look away, I'm not kidding.

Rated: 18+ for adult themes, sexual content. Bai Feng Jiu/Dong Hua Dijun fanfiction lemon.


"Who has told you such a vicious lie? I'm not going to die."

"What... are you... what do you mean?" Feng Jiu asked and finally raised her head to look at into his eyes.

"Little love, look at me. Do I look like I will die soon?" Dijun asked and raised his arms to show her how he was in perfect health, she loosened her embraced to inspect him.

"Y-you don't." Feng Jiu stuttered and did something that had him suck in his breadth, she opened their mental path and started to inspect him for signs of illness. "I don't care, I know something will go very wrong soon." She wailed and once again threw her arms around him, hugging him in a crushing embrace. "You didn't let me go when the phoenix almost killed me. I will not let you go now."

Donghua's bewilderment was suddenly noticeable in his face, how could she know this when he was taking pains to keep the awful truth from her? He wanted to keep her happy, carefree and yet here someone had told her... not someone, Zhe Yan betrayed him, Donghua thought in sudden rage.

"No one has betrayed you. I know everything because the mental path between us finished forming the last time we saw each other. I've been hiding in the recesses of your mind for hours. I had a fever recently." Her sobbing was tearing at his emotions, any other woman and he would have pushed them away, but her crying made him desperate to calm her.

"Be calm, please, precious love. Be calm." Dijun tried soothing her, he gathered her in his arms and found that she now clawed her way up his shoulders and was clinging to his neck. On instinct, Donghua began to weave a calming enchantment but Feng Jiu noticed and only cried harder.

"No." Feng Jiu cried. "I will not leave you."

Her terror was bleeding through his mental shields, he felt angry at whoever had put such craze ideas in her head that he would die. They both needed to calm down, he needed to regained control and since she would not take to the calming enchantment, he tried to kiss her worries away. His lips kissed her forehead as he had wanted to do earlier, his hands rubbing soothing circles on her back. "Please don't cry. I promise you everything will be fine."

Feng Jiu felt out of control, the visions she had seen had shredded her restraint and the news of his impeding doom where making her irrational. Taking a hold of his face with both her small hands, she begun to kiss his lips. "I love you." She said in between kisses. "I love you." Feng Jiu's sweet lips and her declarations of love where beginning to arouse him.

He kissed her back, hoping to calm her down, and begun to quest her mind for the source of her worry, Cheng Yu had gone to her with silly gossip and, belatedly he realized, his precious girl was clairvoyant. Donghua started to panic, this was worst than he thought, every clairvoyant immortal he had met in his life had ended up committing suicide because the gift was a curse and none of them could handle the burden of seeing the future. Embracing her in a painful grip, he forced his tongue into her mouth and deepened the kiss, immediately passion overtook her senses allowing Donghua to mentally find the knot of power that pulsated with the clairvoyant gift, gathering the knot in his mind he sealed it so it would stop sending Feng Jiu visions.

Unfortunately for him, Feng Jiu felt what he had done, he could no longer hide things from her with the mental bond now firmly stablish. "Don't think this has fixed everything." Feng Jiu begun after she broken the kiss. "You are not to send me away." She commanded and returned to kissing him, clinging to his neck and trying to climb him. Her actions now had him fully erect, the blood thrumming in his veins, he couldn't send her away.

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