Chapter 61

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Author's note: I want to thank everyone who is reading this fanfic. I am so happy it has touched so many hearts. Please vote and comment. This chapter features DongFeng in love and a dose of the overall plot.

Rated: 18+ for adult themes and sexual content.


The sun was barely rising in the horizon, but Feng Jiu stirred in the arms of her husband and stretched, making him tightened his embrace. She felt Donghua's hand on her forehead, and then the warm glow of magic spread through her body; he was seeking out the toxin in her body. Once he found it, Donghua took a deep breath and started to pour magic into her body in measure amounts to put the poison to sleep.

Feng Jiu stirred further and buried her nose into his chest, their legs twining together and her hands reaching up to dig her fingers into his hair. Their mental bond was wide open, and soothing magic flowed through it, repairing the damage Donghua had done to himself when he had cut off parts of his cultivation to make the antivenin for Feng Jiu.

"Wake up," Donghua whispered into her ear, and Feng Jiu whined in her throat. "It is time for the other pill," He said again, and this time he ripped the covers from their bodies, climbing over her, his arms pulled her in an embrace.

Feng Jiu wrapped her arms around his neck and refused to open her eyes. Donghua carried her down a short hallway into the bath chambers, where he locked the door upon stepping inside. The indoor hot spring in the bath chambers was a large pool, adorned with white marble stone and plants in ceramic pots. A small shower stall was separated by a bamboo partition artfully decorated with cranes. An enormous chaise with a small mountain of towels on a stool lay in another corner of the large bath chambers. The room was overly warm, making Feng Jiu feel flushed, and she felt Donghua laying her down on the large chaise they had made love in last night.

Feng Jiu rubbed her eyes awake and watched him open a bamboo cabinet where a few medicinal herbs lay inside. Standing up, she walked towards the basin, washing her face and teeth before joining Donghua inside the shower stall. He soaped her up in a lavender soap, and Feng Jiu closed her eyes as his hands massaged her muscles and aroused her body.

"Husband, I love you," Feng Jiu whispered against his lips before he kissed her gently. His hands were lovingly caressing her skin and making her melt into his arms.

"Beautiful girl, I love you more." He whispered back before his kissed turned possessive, his arms holding her tight against his own body.

Feng Jiu moaned into the kiss, her body aching in need as she felt his hot erection in the cradle of her tighs. Her fingers traced the muscles in his arms and stroked upwards to his broad shoulders before burying in his wet hair. This was bliss, she thought, as he made love to her mouth, his tongue sensuously stroking her own before sweetly caressing the roof of her mouth. She felt his large hands cupping her bottom and massaging it firmly, making her shiver in need before he pulled away from the kiss and rested their foreheads together. Sighing, Feng Jiu soaped him up, tracing the muscles in his back and swiping over his hard buttocks, feeling him getting harder with her bold touch.

"I want to make love," Feng Jiu whispered as she rubbed their noses together and felt wrapped in the mutual love that flowed through their mental bond.

"Soaked in the medicinal bath first." Donghua murmured back and proceeded to pick her up to walk towards the hot spring fed tub with the various herbs. Together, they sank into the bath and breathed in perfect unison, the different magical candles in the room lighting up to absorb some of the wayward magic. Donghua freed his hands and made various seals sinking magic into the water.

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