Chapter 25 - Fulfilled - End of Act I

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Author notes: Feng Jiu's mother had no name that I could find so I had to name her Biyu. In this chapter everyone is happy. I fixed it, I did it, my mind has been tricked into thinking this was the ending for DongFeng in TMOPB. Thank you to everyone who has voted, commented and read this fanfic. Also, this is NOT the end.


Feng Jiu's grandmother brushed her red hair with a boar bristle brush. The vibrant scarlet of her granddaughter's hair was a good omen, it meant that after nearly a million years the power of the original red nine tailed fox had returned to the Bai family. Today was the day Feng Jiu would be crowned Queen of the Eastern Lands of Qing Qiu and her marriage to His Lordship, Donghua Dijun formally announce to the Four Realms and Six Directions. The young kittling's coronation and wedding ceremony was a small affair, although Bai Quian had awakened, a period of mourning of ten years was still needed to be observed due to Crown Prince's tragic death. Still, when her coronation was announced, delegations from all the Realms had been sent witness Feng Jiu's coronation and the lighting of the sacred flame that would be her wedding ceremony to Donghua Dijun.

"You look beautiful, lassie." Bai Quian said as she brought with her, in a silk pillow, the crown that had been specially made for Feng Jiu, a gift from her parents. It was a beautiful, golden crown with pearls, diamonds and exquisite silk flowers that hanged from delicate golden chains.

"Thank you, Auntie." Feng Jiu replied as she looked upon the crown her parents had ordered made. "Thank you, mother." She said as she turned to Biyu who smoothed her daughter's red hair.

"Let me help you with your dress, Jiu'er." Biyu whispered with watery eyes and helped Feng Jiu into several layers of red silk dress, embroider with nine tailed foxes in golden threads. Finally, her grandmother placed the crown on her head careful to arrange the silk flowers on her hair.

"My kittling is all grown up." Her grandmother cried and Feng Jiu held her own tears back.

"Hush, mother. You will make her cry and ruin her make up." Biyu said dabbing at her own eyes.

Bai Quian took Feng Jiu's hand and led her out to the main parlour where her Lord Father, Bai Zhi, waited with his sons, Bai Zhuan, Bai Yi and Bai Zhen. Feng Jiu's third Uncle had not been able to attend, Bai Yi had been secretive of his third brother's whereabouts and she had not pressed for answers.

Bai Zhuan was the first to approached her and kiss her hand. "Kittling, you are a vision."

Bai Zhen smiled at her and kissed both her cheeks, her grandfather nodded his head and kissed her cheeks as well. Bai Yi approached his daughter and taking her hands in his, kissed her knuckles.

"I was always sceptical of your choice in mate, lassie. But having seen Donghua Dijun so distraught when you where injured in battle has made me realized that you were not wrong when you chose him. I am please to see you happy." Bai Yi told her, and Feng Jiu smiled with bright eyes.

"Do not cry." Biyu admonished and brought out a silk handkerchief to dry her daughter's tears.

Getting ready to leave the Fox Den, her father placed a red silk veil over her face, and she was carefully led down the steps by both her parents. A short distance away, an outdoor platform had been built and the magical fire cauldron lit by generations of Bai family married couples brought out for her to lit with Donghua. Feng Jiu heard beautiful music being played and saw, that although the celebration would be subdued and there would be no banquet, a large crowd had gathered. Her father, Bai Yi, led her down the aisle, her grandparents walked behind them followed by her Uncles, Bai Xhuan and Bai Zhen, with Bai Quian holding onto Ah Li's hands a short way behind and Mi Gu carrying Xinyi.

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