Chapter 60 - The Calm

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Author's note: In this chapter, we return to our regularly scheduled programming of DongFeng in love. I have grown tired of the melodrama and plot.

Rate: 18+ for adult themes and sexual content.


Donghua made her take the first elixir pill with the soup she had made. He spooned fed her, and Feng Jiu saw the magic she had shared with him had rejuvenated him a little bit. They would need to make love for him to heal properly from the damage he had inflicted on himself.

A thought flashed through Feng Jiu's mind as she swallowed, and she asked. "Will Si Ming remember that he saw us?"

Donghua froze for a second, the spoon he held in his hand hovering over her lips before he urged her to drink the soup. "I have never had a person undo my memory erasing magic. You are the first to do so. Si Ming will never remember what he saw."

Feng Jiu stayed quiet as she drank the rest of the soup, she had so many things to say, and she could only speak to him about it. "What he saw was blackmail." Feng Jiu said as Donghua put away the bowl. "I succeeded where Zhi Yue failed."

"Do not ever put what happened between in the same category as what she wanted to do," Donghua said, shaking his head.

"Bu-" Feng Jiu attempted to say, but Donghua cut her off with a spoonful of potatoes.

"You and I touched out of love," Donghua said and watched her chew then swallow. "Zhi Yue intended to fall on her knees, and in her hair, she carried a special recording crystal that would be given over to Hao De to use against me."

"You are telling me something very sinister. Why would Heavenly Lord do this?" Feng Jiu asked, still not able to fully put all the pieces together.

"I caught him doing something disgusting. I will not go into details; this is something that you would not want to hear." Donghua said with an ominous edge in his voice as he sensed she wanted to ask questions. "I confronted him and told Hao De under no uncertain terms that I would not stand by while he committed such disgusting acts. This was a time of much turmoil, Mo Yuan had passed, and Zhang Dong had just filled his spot; the tribes conflicted with one another due Hao De's negligence. I was supposed to sleep but decided against it. I could not leave the Universe in such a state of chaos."

"Sleep?" Feng Jiu said, thinking it a gentle euphemism for death.

"I had overstayed my time. I spoke with the Eternal Mother, and I agreed, the ancient magic that sustained me was leaving my body. It was time to go into seclusion in Bihai Cangling and breathe my last." Donghua said, and Feng Jiu squeezed her knees in her hands.

"Is ... that still going to happen?" Feng Jiu asked, wondering if he would leave her because of circumstances.

"I will not be leaving you willingly in the future, sweet love. You have also reversed that line of destiny."Donghua told her and covered her hands with his own, massaging her tight grip on her knees. "I want to ask you something."

"Tell me," Feng Jiu said, holding his gaze.

"You told me you thought about breaking up," Donghua said and briefly looked away from her eyes. "Does this mean you want to divorce me?"

Feng Jiu thought about it for a minute, thinking of how to answer him, she was shielding from him, and Donghua grew tense. He sat up and let go of her hands, his face icing over as he looked into the distance.

"If what you want is a divorce, I would give you one," Donghua said in a cold voice. "But only if you promise me never to see Cang'Ye again."

Feng Jiu looked at his profile, and she understood, Donghua thought that she wanted to leave him for another man, that his love fate had finally taken hold. "I thought about going, but that was because I was furious. When you suppressed my memories, you also muzzled my emotions and I was experienced them when we spoke of this the first time. I do not want to leave you for Cang'Ye or any other man. I do not want a divorce."

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