Chapter 30

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Rated: 18+ for adult themes.


Ji Heng was eating some brown pudding with something that might have been meat maybe... for sure whatever it was had eyes and ears at some point. She picked at her food with her chopsticks and placed a bite into her mouth, she had to eat something, or she would starve. Food was scarce and what was available was terrible in the Demon Realm ever since Miao Lou had sucked out the magic from the lands in an attempt to defeat His Lordship, Donghua Dijun in battle. Picking up her cup, she drank some of the wine to wash away the disgusting taste in her mouth when Xu Yang, her half brother, who was seated at head of the table spoke.

"I want you to marry Donghua Dijun." Xu Yang said in between bites causing Ji Heng to chock on her wine.

"What?" Ji Heng asked as she beat her chest with her fingers and set down her wine cup.

"Are you hard of hearing?" XU Yang asked her harshly, angry that she was speaking back to him. "You will marry Donghua Dijun and become his side consort."

Ji Heng shook her head at him, her eyes narrowing in disbelief. "Xu Yang are you daft? Everyone in the Four Realms and Six directions knows that His Lordship fell in love and married Queen Bai Feng Jiu. Her Majesty is animal skin, they do not believe in harems."

"His Lordship is part of the Celestial Tribe, he married the girl but it does not mean he will not crave variety in his bed once she falls pregnant. You will be just the entertainment he needs." Xu Yang told her with derision in his voice.

"You are out of your mind!" Ji Heng said angrily.

"I am not! This marriage will bring peace to the Demon Clan and ensure food for our starving populace." Xu Yang said apparently proud that he could think of reasons why whoring his sister was justifiable.

"There are other ways, Xu Yang. You cannot think you will command His Lordship to do as you please." Ji Heng said.

"Bai Yi did so when he offered Dijun his virgin daughter. Why else would a man keep a beautiful girl at his side for so long when he had obviously taken a vow of celibacy? His Lordship is a man and while you are not virgin, you will do for entertainment." Xu Yang said and reached out with his hand to tap her forehead roughly. "Think!" He commanded and Ji Heng batted away his hand in anger.

"You are sick. His Lordship will not abide by this and neither will his High-Born wife allow it." Ji Heng said to him as she put down her chopsticks, she was no longer hungry.

"Bai Feng Jiu is his property as it is custom in the Nine Heavens; she will do as she is told." Xu Yang said with finality in his voice as Ji Heng stared at him in disgust. "You will be Dijun's property as well, I expect you will work hard to win his favour."

"And what will Lord Nye Chuyin say when he hears you took away his favourite toy and gave it to Donghua Dijun?" Ji Heng spat out in disgust as she stood from the table and walked away from the dinning hall.

Xu Yang was growing ever more erractic, only in his pea size brain did it occur to him that His Lordship would be commanded. Ji Heng supposed that if Dijun accepted it would be one way to get out of the Demon Lands that had become her jail as of late when Xu Yang had unceremoniously handed her over to Nye Chuyin as his lover. Ji Heng shuddered in disgust, she had to find a way to get Dijun a message of what she had found out while in Nye Chuyin's chambers, but she was afraid, and it was not the right time. She still needed to find her father, Meng Hao, who had been imprisoned somewhere in the Demon Lands. If only Min Su could find him soon, they could all be gone from this hell.

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