Chapter 41

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Author's note; This fanfic has grown so big I had to open a second word doc for it. XD 

Rated: 18+ for adult themes and sexual content.


It was almost lunchtime, and Feng Jiu had washed, cut up a carrot, and was chewing on it; carrots seemed to be the only thing her stomach accepted, besides tea for some odd reason, when she felt Donghua's presence in Zhe Yan's Orchard. She startled her mother when she pushed away from the table, standing up and running out the door to see Donghua calmly walking up the stone pathway to Zhe Yan's small house. Feng Jiu jumped down the stairs and ran up to him, throwing herself on his waiting arms. Biyu sneaked out her head and saw them before a privacy shield enveloped them from view. Held tightly in his strong arms, Feng Jiu tried to catch his lips with her own as he kissed her forehead and eyelids.

"Why did you not come earlier?" Feng Jiu asked before she took hold of his face and kissed his lips with hunger.

His arms tightened around her torso, and he kissed her back, sucking the air out of her lungs until she pushed against his shoulders. Pulling away from her, Donghua breathed sharply through his nose as she gasped for air, her cheeks and lips flushed red. Gathering her back into his arms, he sought to calm his breathing as he smoothed her hair and her hands twisted in his robes. "There was a breach of palace security, little love. The soul locking jade is gone." He finally said after some time.

A cold feeling crept up Feng Jiu's spine. "What?"

Donghua understood her shock; something had gone wrong if someone could sneak in and out of the Nine Heavens without alerting anyone. "Someone killed one of the guards and reanimated his corpse before he could register as dead to the magical shields surrounding the palace. They walked inside the palace towards the secure chambers and bypassed the locking mechanism. It was a brilliantly execute job. We will stay in Qing Qiu until I have this figure out."

"Who could have done this?" Feng Jiu asked, shocked that someone could be strong enough to bypass the shields set up by her powerful husband.

"I suspect the hand of a spider, my girl. You must be wary of them; I found traces of spider webs on the corpse." Donghua whispered.

"I shall be vigilant." Feng Jiu said, reinforcing the shields surrounding the Eastern Lands forming in her mind. She would need to go into meditation and mentally test the limits of her protection.

"I need to visit your Uncle. I have reason to believe he might have encountered a mind reader." Donghua said, remembering the searing images that he had lifted from the corpse's mind.

"You think its Miao Lou." Feng Jiu said cautiously as she felt a foreboding come from her sealed clairvoyant gift.

Donghua stared at Feng Jiu as he felt the clairvoyant gift twisting and turning behind the shields he had placed to protect her from its effects. Clairvoyant immortals were rare, and few lived much after their talent manifested; seeing the future was torture. Sealing away her abilities had been the only way Donghua could think to protect Feng Jiu from the madness that came with the gift. But lately, he was beginning to believe that there could be times he would be able to redirect her talent into his mind.

"Miao Lou will forever pose problems so long as she lives. That monster was born out of the horrors of the primitive era, little love. She is darkness, and her only objective is to bring suffering." Donghua said, carefully shielding the memories that threatened to manifest in his mind. "Go back to your mother. I will go see your uncle; we shall then leave directly for the Eastern Lands of Qing Qiu and spend the night there."

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