Chapter 1 - One Chance - Act I

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Author's note: This chapter has been edited and a few paragraphs have been added to enhance the story on Friday, July 14 2022.


Author's note; This chapter has been edited on August 10, 2020 from its original publishing in April 2020 and a few sentences have been added to enhance the flow of the story.


Feng Jiu's eyes had swelled, and her face hurt from crying. An awful pain had settled in her chest like someone had hit her with a hammer. Why did it hurt so much? She had known for hundreds of years that she was only an inconvenience to Dijun. Feng Jiu had heard it from his mouth. She had only ever caused him trouble. Sobs rocked her body, and a chill spread through her body. Not even the warmth of her Aunt's embrace could warm her, Feng Jiu could barely feel the blankets covering her body.

"Xiou Jiu, calm yourself." Bai Quian rocked her back and forth in and embrace, and Feng Jiu hiccupped in her grief.

She was a stupid girl, foolishly in love with Dijun, and she had followed him to the mortal realm when the time had presented itself. Now, she was suffering the consequences of her actions. Better to have stayed away than to have her heart broken.

"He does not love me." Feng Jiu choked in between sobs. "Nothing I have ever done has been enough to win him over. Why did I fall in love with him? Why have I been so foolish?"

Bai Quian sighed and gently patted Feng Jiu's back, at a loss for words. What to tell the kitling? How to explain that Old Donghua Dijun had no marriage line and no love destiny? That anything she did would be in vain because fate itself was against her. Hugging Feng Jiu tighter, Bai Quian sighed once again; there was little to do but wait for the small kit to cry herself silly. In time, Feng Jiu would fall out of love with Dijun. Bai Quian could only hope Feng Jiu would not love that Old Stone for all lifetimes, as she had claimed.

"You are never think that you have not done enough. You are my precious kit; everyone loves you. You have your father and mother, your fourth uncle, and me. We all love you dearly, Xiou Jiu." Bai Quian tried to reason with Feng Jiu. "If he does not see your value, it is his loss and not yours."

Feng Jiu only cried harder; her Aunt's words were sensible and right. At any other situation, she would have listened and taken her words to heart. But the vicious pain in her chest and the terrible feeling of loss knew no reason or logic. His rejection had hurt down to her bones. He had put her aside with such ease and cold calmness. Why couldn't she do the same to him?

She could not accept that he had no feelings; he had been a man with emotions and desires in the mortal realm. Donghua had sent her the bells and arrow when he should have throw them away. Why did he not love her back? How could he stay so aloof after everything they had shared? A sharp pain accompanied her miserable thoughts. Feng Jiu found she could barely breathe, and she suddenly grew faint in her Aunt's embraced.

"Aunt..." She chocked out before coughing out blood. " chest hurts."

"Feng Jiu." Bai Quian panicked. "Lassie!!!" she screamed shaking Feng Jiu but the girl had gone limp in her arms.

"Mi Gu! Mi Gu!" Bai Quian called out for help.


"As Dijun has asked, I have made the arrangements and called in a favour or two. Zhong Lin is now keeping a close eye on the situation around the Ghost Lord court." Si Ming said as he followed two steps behind Dijun.

"Li Jing would never have amounted to much, but that low born woman he married has caused much unpleasantness." His Lordship said as he walked at a leisurely pace into Tai Chen Palace.

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