Chapter 4

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Rated: 18+ for adult themes, light sexual content.


Feng Jiu was sitting in Donghua's lap playing with his hair. "I don't like the Nine Heavens too much, it's full of politics and rules. Crown Prince's cousin would yell at me a lot, other people didn't like me very much. I want to spend a lot of time in Qing Qiu and I want you with me." She demanded and caressed his forehead.

Donghua caught one of her hands and kissed her knuckles. "Once Crown Prince and your Aunt marry, I will have all freedom to go wherever you want."

A sudden dark thought occurred to Feng Jiu at the mentioned of Ye Hua. "Dijun, you must promise me, and I want it sign into the marriage contract. You are to have no concubines and if you want to take another woman, I will be in all my rights to divorce you." Feng Jiu said hotly shifting in his lap, quietly working herself into a rage. "I don't care if you are the man and the Nine Heavens it is your right to take concubines, I will not put up with it!" Her small hands dug into his robes, her eyes flashing red. "You are mine; I will share you with no other woman ever!"

Donghua caught her around the waist before she could jump off and wind up herself into a frenzy. "I am yours for all eternity, little love. "He whispered in her ear while she shifted restlessly in his lap. "I am willing to promise a blood oath that I shall not be unfaithful."

His promise partially mollified Feng Jiu, blood oath where binding and dangerous because if they where broken the backfiring of the magic could be deadly, giving ones words in a world so full of magic such as their was not something to be taken lightly as most spells and enchantments where sang by the vibration of the words involved. All this talk of loyalty and infidelity was reminding her of what she had done to him during the mortal trial. The guilt of having trick him had seeped underneath her skin, making her sick with worry for days.

"Dijun." She said turning serious, her eyes troubled. "I never had an affair with Yuan Zhen, I swear I didn't. It was Star Lord who made me do it, he said that way we would complete the love trial and I would repay you the life debt that I owe you. I didn't touch him, I just made it look awful as I could."

Donghua sighed. "I know this." If it had been any other way, he would have skewered Yuan Zhen with the Cang He just as soon as he woke up.

"H-how? Si Ming told you. You didn't punish Star Lord for intervening into your mortal trial and allowing me into it?" Feng Jiu asked searching his face for answers. Dijun wouldn't look at her, tension gathering in between his eyebrows.

"I know... because, I was the one to ask Si Ming to arrange for you to come to the Mortal Realm. Did you really believe he would act without me giving him orders?" Dijun asked, his eyes serious.

"You...?" Feng Jiu begun and pointed at him with one finger.

"Yes." Dijun said nodding.

"Does this mean that you remembered all? Everything?" She asked in earnest.

This time Dijun looked at her straight in the eyes, his gaze was honest, and he whispered. "I promised you I would never forget, and I won't."

Moisture gathered in Feng Jiu's eyes and cradling his face she rubbed their foreheads together, never taking her eyes off his. Dijun tightened his arms around her and kissed her gently, slowly rubbing their noses together he pecked her lips once, twice, three times. Feng Jiu was growing impatient with his respectful cuddling; she was vibrating with need and snaking her arms around his neck, she trapped him so he wouldn't pulled away, and she gently sucked his lower lip into her mouth.

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