Chapter 59

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Author's note: Kind reminder that I write this fanfic for free, I am not getting paid. Please, if you have enjoyed this fanfic consider leaving votes and comments. In this chapter, DongFeng unpack their problems.

Rated: 18+ for adult themes.


The third day Donghua did not come back, Feng Jiu was restless, and she got up from her bed to cook for her grandmother, who had come to visit her in the Valley. Bai Zhen had set up a residence in the valley, and Bai Zhi had visited Queen Juno of the Bi Yi Niao Clan, and a delegation of Qing Qiu special operation soldiers now resided in the Fanyin Valley.

Bai Yi, who was furious at Donghua, took a look her and said she would not be kidnapped again. However, Feng Jiu could feel that she was not in any danger anymore, Miao Lou had taken the tear, and she was an empty vessel, the measures of protection been taken would be enough.

"You are pregnant." Bai Zhi said and stared at Feng Jiu as she served the table with food.

"Yes." Feng Jiu said happily and sat down to eat while Goddess Grandmother smiled and smoothed the top of her head.

"I knew back in Zhe Yan's Orchard." Goddess Grandmother said proudly.

"I still do not understand. How did it happen?" Bai Zhi said, and Feng Jiu blushed scarlet.

Goddess Grandmother smacked Bai Zhi on the shoulder. "What are you asking?" She scolded with a severe look to her face.

"But, wife, Brother Donghua has no children. How is Xiao Jiu pregnant?" Bai Zhi sputtered.

"The Universe has changed." Feng Jiu felt what best described what had happened.

Bai Zhi nodded slowly. "I have felt it also. After the battle of Roushi Riverbank, the currents of magic where reworked somehow."

A chime of magic saved Feng Jiu from explaining how much she and her soul bonded husband had changed the Universe. Her mother, Biyu, opened the door for Lian Song and Cheng Yu, who came into the room and gathered Feng Jiu in her arms, apologizing for having left her behind in Chegtian Hall.

"You did right, taking the children with you, Cheng Yu. I should have taken my body armour with me that day; fighting off Deliang would have been easier." Feng Jiu said as Cheng Yu let her go with a teary face.

Lian Song stepped forward and bowed to her. "Dijun sents a message that he detoured briefly to Kunlun Mountain with Zhe Yan and should be here tomorrow morning."

"Feng Jiu, I handpicked your bodyguards as Dijun instructed," Cheng Yu said softly. "Special operation soldiers are setting up in the Valley as we speak."


Donghua came back with Zhe Yan late on the fourth day looking tired, creases forming under his eyes. Feng Jiu felt him pass through the shields surrounding their residence and ran out into the courtyard to greet him. She stopped briefly before him to inspect him visually, finding he looked unharmed, she spread out her arms and hugged him around his waist. His hand cupped the back of her head gently, his finger burying into her hair. Feng Jiu took hold of his hand and would not let go, she had been worried sick knowing he was already overextended from having open, so many portals to find her.

"Brother, you are back," Bai Zhi said, and Feng Jiu let go of Donghua to see her grandfather had followed her out with her grandmother in tow.

Bai Zhi looked over at Zhe Yan and Donghua, noticing they both looked exhausted. "I will take my leave now with my wife; there is much to be taken care of in Qing Qiu."

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