Chapter 17

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Teleporting to the gates of Celestial Palace, Feng Jiu appeared in a mist of red and purple smoke in the cobblestone of the main entrance. Ten celestial soldiers, that where her bodyguards, also appeared around her and move to form two lines behind her as she walked forward the soldiers guarding the gates that fell to their knees in unison.

"Serene Highness." They greeted in reverence.

Feng Jiu was Donghua Dijun's Lady Wife now, no one would stop her from setting foot inside the Celestial Palace ever again. Turning to one of her guards she instructed to have someone discreetly inquired about her Aunt's whereabouts as well as Lady Su Jin's before continuing to walk further inside the palace. She felt him before she saw him, in the far distant Feng Jiu spied an unmistakable tall man clothed in purple and knew at once, from his manner of walking, and the buzzing in their bond that it was her husband. Donghua was accompanied by ten guards, Si Ming on one side and Lian Song on the other. Her feet hurried to meet him, shielding her thoughts she sensed his annoyance when he met her shields, but his face gave nothing away as she neared him. Si Ming and Third Prince both bowed at her, as well as his guards.

"Serene Highness." They greeted in perfect unison.

Serene Highness was the tittle that Si Ming had thought to style her by, she could not be call Her Majesty, as Dijun had given up the throne and this title would conflict with Heavenly Lord's and neither could she be called Your Ladyship as this was Dijun's courtesy title after having stepped down. Serene Highness, Lady of Tai Chen Palace would have to do in order to keep up appearances, in Qing Qiu she was also Her Royal Highness, Princess Royal Bai Feng Jiu. Donghua's eyebrows where knitting in frustration as he felt the trouble in their bond, Feng Jiu was quite obviously upset over something, her face pinched in concern.

"Feng Jiu greets her Lord Husband." She said and bowed to him while he nodded his head. "I would like to speak with you Lord Husband... in private." Feng Jiu said and glared at Si Ming and Lian Song who scampered away from them at once.

"What is it with you?" Donghua asked.

"I will believe anything you say." Feng Jiu told him as she looked at him through hooded eyes before throwing a privacy shield in place.

Donghua looked at the shield, and then at her, before he said tersely. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"I want to know..." Feng Jiu said quietly. "Did you know my Aunt was the mortal woman that Crown Prince love so much, Su Su?"

His eyes widened for only a fraction, but she knew she had surprised him. "What did just say?" Donghua asked. "Your Aunt was that mortal? How could this be?"

"You did not know then." Feng Jiu affirmed to herself and Donghua felt annoyance flared.

"Of course not, I never laid eyes on Su Su. You know she was locked up in the Hall of Beautiful Youth away from prying eyes. How have you come to know this?" Donghua demanded of Feng Jiu.

"My Aunt broke the Soul Gathering Lamp gifted to her by Crown Prince and remembered her past." Feng Jiu answered feeling chastised that she would doubt him. "She told me that she became Su Su for her High Goddess ascension trial."

Donghua's eyes widened in understanding. "I felt strange whispers of magic surrounding the mortal woman, but I thought it was because she had managed to conceive Crown Prince child despite her weak mortal status."

Feng Jiu nodded sensing the truth in his words. "My Aunt is furious, she remembered how Su Jin tried to throw her off Zhuxian Terrace, and later when the witch failed and lost her own eyes, she insisted on having my Aunt's eyes taken to be given to her in reparation. My Aunt wants her eyes back."

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