Chapter 84 - Act V- Courage

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Author's note: I cut up this Arc because it was just growing too long. I kind of broke my promise to have Feng Jiu give birth in the last arc, but we are heading down that road now for sure.

 Gungun is making an appearance in the following 2 chapters because I will be speeding up the time somewhat for chapter 85. I'm sorry about the long wait, but work is awful, and it really does kill my muse. But I am determined to finish this project.

Rated: 18+ for sexual content and mature themes.


Zhe Yan returned to Bihai Cangling after two weeks to check on Donghua's progress. He performed acupuncture on him and wrote a few prescriptions for them both. He also brought a dark-coloured bottle with a foul-tasting liquid inside that made even stoic Donghua wrinkled his nose. It was a gift from Bai Zhi, Zhe Yan explained to Donghua, the medicine had been concocted by the frog spirits deep in the Eastern Lands with magical herbs given by the spirits residing in the forest.

"I am pleased to see how well you have recovered," said Zhe Yan as he removed the needles from Donghua's body. "The demon sword wound is finally healing, but I caution you to stay in Bihai Cangling for at least two more months."

"I am well," insisted Donghua as he slipped back on his robe.

"No eating solids. It is essential you do not strain when reliving yourself," said Zhe Yan matter of factly, making Donghua glared at him.

"I've had worse. This is not the first time I have life-threatening injuries. When I battled the dragon that rules the Nine Heavens, I was nearly decapitated, and you had to sew three fingers back," said Donghua lifting his left hand and showing him a perfect limb with no scarring.

"You are a terrible patient. You are out of danger, but the brain injury is concerning. There is still swelling, and Xiao Jiu tells me you have experienced migraines. You must rest," said Zhe Yan and stared at Donghua straight in the eye. "Your health is now directly tied to Xiao Jiu's. Think of her and stay here for as long as you need."

Donghua nodded at this, relenting. "You will be allowed back into Bihai Cangling if I need you."

"If you relapsed at all, you must call me. Xiao Jiu also needs attention with her pregnancy, and you are not experienced in this area," reminded Zhe Yan as he placed his needles back into the pouch he carried.

"Come back in two weeks then," allowed Donghua, and Zhe Yan nodded.


Donghua recovered quickly, the days of him barely getting out of bed were gone, and Feng Jiu relaxed. She followed the prescriptions Zhe Yan had left behind to the letter. A special diet was also being observed. Donghua had fewer and fewer migraines, but he was sensitive to light at times, and Feng Jiu had covered the windows with sheets. She slept beside Donghua every night, massaging his shoulders and temples when the migraines would come. Pulsing healing energy into him in hopes of decreasing the swelling in his brain.

Feng Jiu understood Donghua's need to hide his weakness. He despised feeling out of control and hated even more to feel vulnerable. But he was sick, at times, his body not responding to commands, which made him angry. Feng Jiu had soothed away his sour mood with loving patience when she fed him his medicine and later joined him in the tub for medicinal baths.

Donghua bathed in the water from the Eternal Spring daily. It was always fascinating to Feng Jiu to see him slipping into the crystalline water, his skin glowing as he submerged into the water. Slowly, as the days went by, Donghua healed. He meditated, often looking at the mandalas in his meditation chambers and had met Monk Mencius in the forest. Feng Jiu had heard the chanting as he blessed Donghua but had not seen the man's face.

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