Chapter 91

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Author's notes: It has been such a long time since I updated, I am almost embarrased. But do not worry, I will finish this fanfic. I have been working on the end chapters and will not quit until this is done. In this chapter Feng Jiu is a busy mom to Gun Gun and there is some DongFeng In love towards the end.

Rated: 18+ for sexual content.


"I still do not see how you saved any night with your presence," Feng Jiu said to Yan who showed at the end of the fireworks with Ji Heng in tow. They were now walking together up the path to the Fox Den, Gun Gun asleep on his father's shoulders and his white tigers following them. Jia Li and Xi Fang had viewed the pork festival from high in tree branches.

"I signed the treaty post dated that shut up your troubling clansmen," Yan said, proud of himself, Ji Heng on his arm as they walked alongside Feng Jiu. "My province now openly trades with the Eastern Lands and no one else can blackmail you again."

"This was for your benefit. How do I know you did not tell Huang yourself?" Feng Jiu asked and saw Ji Heng smiled but she was perturbed.

"Huang had the ships followed through the river up to my ports. I had no hand in it." Yan said with certainty.

"This all benefits you, Yan," Feng Jiu retorted.

"You have gotten tons smarter since you gave birth," Yan replied.

"You rotten demon!" Feng Jiu yelled and tried to kick Yan's shin, but failed when he skipped away.

"Never mind," Yan said patiently. "I also came to tell Ice Face that I have Baishui Mountain under careful watch and all strange activity has quieted down."

"How is the civil war going?" Feng Jiu asked.

Yan's face turned serious, a shadow crossing his eyes. "Fighting Nye Chuyin's forces is becoming increasingly difficult. He has definitely received help from Miao Lou."

An icy chill swept up and down Feng Jiu's spine, and her clairvoyant gift twisted behind the thick shields that suppressed it. Miao Lou was a constant shadow in her life, and she dreaded the moment they would have to face her down.

"You can now receive better weapons and more food," Feng Jiu said, regaining control of her emotions. "Everything will work out."

Yan nodded and Ji Heng said their goodbyes before flying off in a cloud, disappearing on the horizon. Donghua ushered his wife inside the Fox Den and busied himself changing Gun Gun's diaper before laying to sleep in their bed. Feng Jiu slept that night wrap around Donghua with their son in between them. Her worry regarding Miao Lou buried deep in her mind.


"Sister Feng Jiu!" Ah Li yelled from high in the cloud he was riding with his parents. He jumped from the cloud, flying down into Feng Jiu's waiting arms. "I am here to visit you before going to Kun Lun Mountain."

"It will be great. You will meet a lot of boys your age and do fun things." Feng Jiu said, encouraging Ah Li's enthusiasm and tamping down any anxiety regarding being away from home.

"Grandfather Donghua told me being away from home will make taller and stronger," Ah Li said as he put down in the ground. "Maybe when I come back, I will taller than you sister Feng Jiu."

"You are going to have put in all your effort to do that," Feng Jiu smiled. "Come meet Gun Gun and his tigers."

Feng Jiu, taking Ah Li by the hand, guided him to a blanket where Gun Gun was sitting up surrounded by his tiger cubs and enchanted toys. The small baby boy took hold of a stuffed deer toy and threw it in the air with amazing strength where one of his tigers jumped and caught it in his jaws. Shrieks of laughter exploded from Gun Gun as he clapped in excitement at the sight.

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