Chapter 64

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Author's note: In this chapter, DongFeng talk about the past, the present and the future. Relationship plot ahoys with a heavy dose of romance.

Also, I am looking for at least three betas to help me edit the first act of this fanfic, I need to start editing this monster before I can give it a proper ending. Please reply in the comments below if you are interested in giving me feedback for this fanfic as a beta reader. Thank you.

Rated: 18+ for adult themes and sexual content.


"Forgive me, I took so long in coming back," Donghua said as they soaked in a healing herbal bath, and Feng Jiu saw the miasma she had absorbed in the dark dimension leave her body in a burst of angry black bubbles.

"I missed you very much," Feng Jiu whispered as she sat in his lap in the bathtub fed by an enchanted magical hot spring.

"I love you," Donghua said as he took her face in his hands and kissed her lips, his purifying powers calling forth his blood in her veins as he worked to rid her body of the poison. "I did not want to leave you. I made sure it will not happen again. I am not leaving the Valley until you are healthy again."

"I do not like it that you blame yourself for what happened with Deliang. Sometimes terrible things happen outside of our control." Feng Jiu said soothingly and saw him shake his head.

"No, precious love, there is no room for error when life and death hang in the balance. You were gone from me in an instant. It will not happen again." Donghua said, anxiety tainting the mental bond between them. "I became complacent that nothing could go wrong in the Nine Heavens and failed to foresee an attack."

"It is not your fault. Deliang teleported me out of the Nine Heavens. This is something that could not have happened, if she had delayed for even a second, you would have caught up with her."

"I could have lost you. Deliang's poison almost killed you, and it now threatens the child you carry. This is a failure of mine." Donghua persisted in saying.

"No," Feng Jiu said and took hold of his face to look into his eyes. "It was a trial because I changed you and the blood tear had to leave my body somehow. I want you to stop blaming yourself."

"I am supposed to take care of you-" Donghua said, bitterness tainting his voice.

"And you do, but this would have happened in some other way. Going against the decrees of the Heavens is a dangerous business; we both knew this when we completed the soulbond." She said, cutting him off when he tried to blame himself once again.

"I have chosen you as my mated pair. I will endure anything, so we remain together. The heavens will not tear us apart." Feng Jiu said, magic gathering in her words as she called forth her blood in his veins, reinforcing the soulbond that connected them for all lifetimes.

Donghua stared at her in wonder; the mating pair magic was an ancient bonding ritual that only happened for select animal skins binding together two immortals into a monogamous relationship that would be unbreakable. Feng Jiu had called upon this magic to overcome his calamitous love fate, making her the only woman ever to love him in all his life.

Powerful magic flowed through their mental bond, and Donghua pulled down the mental shields holding them apart as the magic manifested in the room in a shower of red light. Feng Jiu rubbed their foreheads together, their noses touching as they breathed in unison, their hearts beating in sync. He would do better in protecting her next time, Donghua vowed as they held each other.

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