Chapter 89

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Author's note: In this chapter, we have some politics, DongFeng in love as well as baby Gun Gun been cute.

Rated: 18+ for mild sexual content.


Gouzi was the pride of the Bear Clan, tall and muscular, his magical abilities unmatched. He had graduated from the senior academy before Feng Jiu had enrolled and she had only ever seen him from afar at Court in Qing Qiu's capital. Bai Yi had mused he wanted Feng Jiu to marry him, but Gouzi had married a proper Bear Clan lady and that had been the end of that story where she married a lemon sucking, ill-tempered bear.

Instead, Feng Jiu had married a lemon sucking, ill tempered prehistoric Deity with the sense of humour the heavens gave to a rock. Donghua had left early the other day saying he had something extremely important to attend, and it had crossed Feng Jiu to see him leave. Gun Gun had fussed all day, his little face scrunching up and his cheeks turning red. Angry that she was bathing him instead of Donghua and had refused to sleep alone in his bassinet, waking her up during the night crying for no reason.

Feng Jiu had sent her mother a secret letter and today she was expecting. Feng Jiu was grateful. It had been a few weeks since she had last seen her, but she wanted all family to show up and had sent them all invitations for the Pork Festival. She sighed, shifting Gun Gun in her arms, who was struggling, his little legs kicking as he watched his grandmother approach them while they waited for her outside the Fox Den. Biyu smile at the sight of her grandson and kissed her daughter's cheek before scooping out Gun Gun from her arms.

"He is so big," Biyu cooed and kissed Gun Gun's forehead. "I brough you a few embroidery clothes your grandmother sends for you and Gun Gun."

Feng Jiu smiled wistfully as they took up the steps into the Fox Den and set out for the kitchen. "I miss Goddess Grandmother. How is everything at Court?"

"The usual bickering but there is one thing. The Wolf clan is having a few problems." Biyu whispered and sat Gun Gun in his highchair as they gathered at the kitchen table.

"What sort of problems?" Feng Jiu asked intrigued.

"Do you remember Lord Wang Lei and his son Honghui who a captain in the Qing Qiu army?"


"Well, during the occupation of the Ghost Realm, they killed Honghui. Lord Wang Lei has no surviving heir and a high ranking relative of his has been amassing support in the Wolf Clan for a while now and wants to challenge him for leadership." Biyu said.

"Could that be Huang's father?"

"The one and only, High Ranking Official of the second class, Lowei," Biyu said. "Lowei has always been supremely smart, he passed the Imperial Exams on his first try, plus he excelled in the army. His son, Huang, has also passed Qing Qiu's imperial exams and is applying for the Exams in the Nine Heavens."

Feng Jiu covered her mouth with her hand, it seemed Donghua was right, this was a lot more complicated than Huang being angry at her for war casualties of the past. "Mom, these people are hungry for power. What do we do?"

Biyu nodded and spoke. "First, we have breakfast."

"I have some rice cooking and a yam cooling for Gun Gun," Feng Jiu said getting up to cook more and feeling her mom take hold of her hand.

"I haven't cooked for you in a while," Biyu said and got up to tie an apron on.

"Lowei is not a bad sort, and neither is Huang." She continued as she fished out a few vegetables from the cold box and diced them up while Feng Jiu mash a bit of the yam for Gun Gun to eat. "Getting rid of his distant cousin, Wang Lei, by killing him is too messy. It is easier to have your grandfather appoint a new leader for the Wolf Clan."

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