Chapter 10

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Rated: 18+ for adult themes, sexual content. Bai Feng Jiu/Dong Hua Dijun fanfiction lemon.


The stars that where viewed from Bihai Cangling where so vivid and bright, the many blue and purple colors of the night sky overwhelming. Dijun pointed out several star formations to her as they lay together, dining on sweet red bean soup and dumplings, delicately prepare lobster and chicken and tangerines and grapes. 

Silent contentment had settled between them, their mental bond that previously only carry feelings had now formed into a field of pink and lavender flowers with a tranquil bright sky over it. They had not made love again, Feng Jiu had bucked so hard against him that he hadn't been careful she would have torn herself, and now she was sore, he could feel it through their bond.

After having fed each other sleep overtook them, covered in silk quilts and with Dijun wrapped around her, the cool breeze from the ocean and sounds of the water were a sweet lullaby. In the morning, before dawn broke over the horizon, Dijun woke up and carried her back inside to their bedroom laying her down on their bed to continue with their sleep. 

Feng Jiu dreamt, snatches and pieces, happy moments and sad ones, in one of her dreams a spider woman sat amongst skulls tearing at the flesh of an arm and in another she heard the laughter of happy children playing amongst a field of flowers. 

A sad dream turned into a happy one where Dijun held her in her fox skin and gently stroke her fur as he read. Sleep came in stages, her brain foggy and her eyes heavy, the red ribbon that tied them together now permanently visible was gently pulsing of magic like a heartbeat, wrapped in Dijun's arms and hearing him breathe.

"Little love, are you awake?" He asked her and she grumbled, burying her nose in his chest.

 Donghua found himself reluctant to both leave the bed and wake her; all night Feng Jiu had been having nightmares, a sign that his seal on her clairvoyant gift was faltering under the pressure of demands to complete the soul bond. He had chosen Bihai Cangling as the place for the completion of their bond because the shields that surrounded the island would absorb the shock of magic that would inevitably result in their joining. The memory of what Yue Lao had told him came back to him....

"I have written up this soul bond in the book of marriages to lessen its malignant effect."


"Because, Old Stone, I owe you a life debt when you stopped the ancient water dragon from eating me millions of years ago. I gave up my right eye and arm to pay you back. I have tied you to this lassie with a red ribbon of fate to keep the curse from consuming you both, but you never paid attention to it."

Dijun looked down at his foot, staring at the faint outline of the ribbon.

"I have thought you would notice but I supposed there is a rock in that head of yours instead of brains. Therefore, I descendent to see you, to warn you of events. I have repaid my debt to you now; we will not meet again."

... if the old deity had not repaid him, Feng Jiu would be dead now and he would have followed, all because he had been so set on the concept of the unchangeability of fate. 

The old writings he had discovered in the Ancient Library detailed the tragic soul bond of Huangdi and Fubao, he had loved her to the point of obsession and had sought to bind an unwilling Fubao only have her hate him unto death but not before he had rape begetting her a son, Fubao died shortly after giving birth leaving her son to be raised by animals. 

Adjacent to this tragedy, a small note followed on a second soul bond that had been a success, the nameless couple had not been in love when they were curse by an unknown entity however they had found a way to overturn the curse, bonding through a painful ritual that was described in detail, the vows that were said had read foolish to Donghua at first until he realized the power of the enchantment. 

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