Chapter 9

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Authors note;  I want to thank everyone, absolutely everyone who has commented, voted and viewed this fanfic. I am so happy to have found fandom for Donghua/Feng Jiu. You are all wonderful. DongFeng are on honeymoon. LOOK. AWAY!

Rated: 18+ for sexual content. Bai Feng Jiu/Dong Hua Dijun fanfiction lemon.


Bihai Cangling was a clustered of uninhabited islands deep in the Holy Blue Sea where Dijun had washed ashore shortly after having been born from a rock in the depth of the ocean. The formation of islands was protected by a tri-fold shielding enchantment that was sustain from a magical spring in the depths of the main island where Dijun had built his home. 

Together they had materialized in his island home and Feng Jiu had been in awe at how large the main island was; Blue, white, pink and purple dotted the horizon of the mountainous terrain in the far distance.

"This place... is so beautiful." She said as she looked around feeling overwhelmed, her nose full of the divine of fragrances; Bihai Cangling was a paradise. "Why don't you live here?" Feng Jiu asked looking back at Dijun who was still holding her hands, his thumbs lovingly rubbing her fingers.

"I come sometimes for meditation," Dijun said gently, a shadow of forlornness in his eyes. "...but it is lonely here."

Feng Jiu understood, her presence becoming a warm blanket surrounding him and enfolding around his heart that suddenly wanted to beat again. "You have me to keep you company now." She whispered and clasp her arms around his torso.

She felt his strong arms encircled her, one hand burying itself in her unbound hair, his presence in her mind was a gentle murmured of steadfast protection. Dijun kissed her forehead, then her browbone, his scent filling her nose and sinking into her skin, his questing lips kissed her eyelids and her cheeks. 

"I love you." She whispered to him and heard him draw in a ragged breath in response. "I love you." Feng Jiu said with more conviction and found his arms tightening around her, his kisses on her face growing suddenly frantic. "Husband, I love you." 

This time his mouth came down on hers with fervour, his kiss sucking the air from her lungs and her knees growing weak with a burgeoning need for him.

His precious girl, he would kill to keep her safe, endure anything to make sure the bright shining light that was her life never be extinguished. The red ribbon that tied them together manifested surrounding them in a red glow and at once the whole island exploded in the chime of singing birds. 

Their kiss grew frantic, hungry and needy, what had been a glowing candle when they had parted earlier in the day was now a burning bonfire. Feng Jiu broke the kiss to draw in breath and sigh in contentment as he continued to kiss along her jaw and neck. Her hands ran up and down his back in long firm strokes, kissing him back when his lips returned to her for gentle pecks.

"Why are the birds singing so loudly?" Feng Jiu murmured as she caressed his strong shoulders.

"They are happy you are here." Dijun answered her before disengaging from their embrace to pick her up.

She clasped her arms around his neck and looked behind his shoulder at the setting sun. "It's time for bed." Feng Jiu whispered and was rewarded with a small quirked of his lips.

Feng Jiu in his arms, Dijun walked into the forest and down a stone path that led to the edge where the threes cleared up leading to a white stone bridge and a large castle carved into the rock of a white marble mountain. Shaoyang Manor in Bihai Cangling was truly a sight to behold, intricately carved into the white marble that shone in the setting sun with its rose gold veins, the powerful magic that emanated from it was astonishing.

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