Chapter 20

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Author's note; A lot of violence in this chapter. For the purpose of this fanfic we will ignored that Lian Song actively knew that Su Su was Bai Quian. This did not happen here, if Lian Song had known then Dijun would know, Lian Song only knew that Ye Hua had an affair with a mortal woman. 

Rated: 18+ for adult themes, blood and gore.


His Lordship fitted Feng Jiu with magical iron armour, the flexible chain mail underneath was enchanted to repel fire. Donghua had killed a rabid magical pangolin once and had kept its skin, he had sent it to Liu Qiu, a racoon dog spirit, who had been his weapon master during his quest to unite the Universe and had retired to a lower realm with his wife when His Lordship had crowned himself Heavenly Lord.

"Does this mean I will go with you when Quing Cang breaks free." Feng Jiu asked as Donghua secure the ties at her side.

"No." Donghua said shaking his head.

"But you told me I could." Feng Jiu argued.

"The situation has changed, Xiao Bai. There is an active revolt against Li Jing inside his court, he has been ineffective in bringing to heel the ghost army and has plunge his Kingdom into poverty with his reckless spending causing his people and army to starve. Couple his high taxes with three consecutive lost harvest and you have a revolt against him. His Generals have banded together with their soldiers and there is his civil war in the Ghost Realm."


"Many Generals long for the days when Qing Cang was Ghost Lord, at least then they had food to bring to their table and they had prestige amongst the realms. This is why Qing Qiu has so much stability, your grandfather understood the needs of his people for food, shelter, freedom to run their lives and security. He satisfied this needs and Qing Qiu has flourish, people are loyal to him, happy to see the royal family because they know will not repress them or tax them into poverty. Li Jing is a fool who only knew how to satisfy his own cravings. Remember this as you prepare to take the throne, your reign should bring prosperity and security to Qing Qiu."

Feng Jiu set her mouth in a hard line. "Keeping me at Tai Chen Palace will never do me any favours. War is coming to the Four Realms, I saw as much through my clairvoyant gift before you sealed it."

His Lordship did not answer and performing several hand seals to enchant the armour he had fitted Feng Jiu with to store itself into a red ruby bracelet in her wrist. The moment Feng Jiu saw the armour store itself she rushed forward to embrace him, his arms received her and held her tightly against his body.

"I know this is not what you want-"

"Events are turning so rapidly; it is no longer possible to predict the future. I have tried but my divinations have come back contradicting themselves. I thought I would never marry and yet here you are... the chance that you might carry our child in you is strong, little love. War is no place for a pregnant woman, I did not know your mother was pregnant when she accepted my war summons." His Lordship said and lifted Feng Jiu's chin to look into her eyes. "Just because you have not conceived does not mean the possibility of it happening in the future is gone. You must promise me you will bear this in mind and care for yourself.


His Imperial Highness, Third Prince of the Celestial Tribe, Lian Song had send orders to turn the Celestial Palace and the whole of the Four Realms inside out, no stone was to be left unturned, all had to be reviewed twice over and fresh eyes where to be set in every court in the Four Realms and Six Directions. Si Ming had scampered to double check all the spies appointed to the court of the Nine Heavens and was making sure to follow up on even the smallest of details, everything was to be properly recorded... even bowel movements.

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