Chapter 87 - The Son -

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Author's note: This is it! Feng Jiu will give birth in this chapter, and babysaurus GunGun will show up from now on.


Biyu stayed at Tai Chen Summer Palace for the next few weeks. Only descending to Quing Qiu for important matters but always coming back to keep her pregnant daughter company. Feng Jiu was glad her mother to calm her fears, her grandmother had also visited, often bringing sour snacks. The nursery was organized, the baby clothes deliver, and all was prepared for when she would go into labour.

Cheng Yu send gifts and a note, she was still recovering from childbirth, but she sent her best wishes for the impending birth of a prince. Bai Quian also did the same, and many royals seeking favour from Donghua sent a large basket of magical fruit and flowers. The Tai Chen Summer Palace courtyard was filled with gifts, and Chong Li would spend hours going through the parcels, checking for poison and hexes.

Feng Jiu had told him it was not necessary. Her clairvoyant gift was at ease beyond the mental shields Donghua had long ago put in place to protect her from the visions. The future was still uncertain, but her child's birth was one thing everyone in the Universe could count on to happen. Donghua was growing anxious with each passing day that labour grew closer. He was constantly scanning her for trouble and purposefully tasting her food.

Biyu was mostly feeding Feng Jiu broth. Lately, it was all she could keep down, late onset of nausea. Most foods tasted strange to Feng Jiu. She rejected them all, spending time instead on meditation and praying to the Budha.

All was calm in the Nine Heavens with Ye Hua as Heavenly Lord. Immortal royals had quietly fallen into line and Mo Yuan's reinstallment as Great General had brought peace in the realms. Nevertheless, Feng Jiu knew that everyone waited to see if she would birth a prince or a princess.

She knew it would be a boy.

"I am happy even if you birth a girl," Donghua said late one evening as they got ready for bed. "Perhaps, it would be better if you did."

"Hush, it will be a boy," Feng Jiu argue as Donghua helped her out of her dress and undergarments to go into the bath.

"Sweet love, you insist on this, but I do not really care if you give me a son." Donghua said as they walked inside the bathing chamber.

"I should feel happy you say this," Feng Jiu said as they got under the shower together, and she reclined on his bare chest. "But it will be boy," She said the final words with clenched of her jaw and a hiss.

"Are you alright?" Donghua asked, aware she had clenched her teeth.

It had annoyed Feng Jiu when he had begun to watch her every move like a hawk and inquired after every sharp breath. But this time, the contractions that would come and go from time to time felt longer. Instead of answering him, Feng Jiu exhaled sharply as a contraction that felt as a wave-like motion rolled over her, and she shook in his arms.

"I do not think you are alright," Donghua said and waved his hand to shut off the hot water. Summoning a towel from the rack, he wrapped her in it and carried her to their room, where he placed her on the bed.

"Oh, this does not feel like the false contractions I had a week ago," Feng Jiu said and grew tense on the bed.

Donghua dressed hastily and helped Feng Jiu into a nightgown before covering her with the blankets to take her to the birthing chamber. On his way down a long corridor, they first encountered Chong Li, who was ordered to summon the midwives and Biyu.

Feng Jiu was breathing in and out faster, her cheeks turning red and her hands fisting on Donghua's robes. She would give birth, and the sudden need to see her mother was overwhelming. Donghua kept walking down the corridor with her in his arms when Biyu caught up to them.

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