Chapter 65

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Author's note: Writing this fanficis a form of relaxation for me but it got to be too long and I had to cut it. In this chapter, Feng Jiu does Queenly things. The next chapter will be more DongFeng moments.


Feng Jiu gently brushed out Donghua's hair before looping it into place with a silk ribbon. Today he would be going for a diplomatic meeting with Queen Juno of the Bi Yi Nao clan, and her Aunt and Ye Hua would accompany him. She caressed his face gently before kissing him, and she felt his hands at her hips. Feng Jiu also had an informal diplomatic meeting with Yan Chiwu. Mi Gu and Hou Ming were also coming to see her and speak about the Eastern Lands.

"I will go to get the sapphire you need for your blade today. You need to at least try the stone to see if it will be a good fit. If not, we will look for something else." Donghua said as she finished placing the silver headpiece on his hair.

"I will be meeting with Yan today. Anything I should know?" Feng Jiu asked as Donghua stood up from his seat, and Feng Jiu grabbed the white silk robe embroider in the golden thread from the dressing rack.

"Do not promise him anything. He found a way to have the Bai's indebted to him, and he will find ways to ask for more things. Yan is not a bad person, but he can be tricky when dealing with him politicaly." Donghua advised as she helped him on his white silk robe.

"I will keep this in mind," Feng Jiu said, nodding.

"Also, try to avoid speaking to him about anything else but the food shipments. I know he wants more things, but he is young and getting ahead of himself. Yan has seen success in his ventures, and he is emboldened to push for more." Donhgua said as they walked out of their room and into the living room where Bai Quian and Ye Hua waited.

"XI Fang and Jia Li will be here in the house listening under an invisibility cloak. Yan knows he is merely coming to visit you as a goodwill gesture and to foster a friendly diplomatic relationship. He has already met with Bai Yi and Bai Xuan, successfully selling coal and salamander technology. Yan should be satisfied with what has been achieved. It is more than anyone has done for diplomatic relationship from the Demon Realm in millions of years, but he hungers for more. It is not necessarily bad, but the methods he uses are questionable."

"Yes," Feng Jiu nodded as she walked him outside where a carriage pull by white horses waited for Donghua. It would be easy for Donghua, Bai Quian and Ye Hua to travel by mist. This was something the Bi Yi Nao earth immortal could not do, but it was the polite thing to do to accept Juno's offer of a carriage to the palace.

Nai Nai was outside with Ah Li and Xinyi playing in the garden with a kite. Bai Quian would leave the children with Feng Jiu while attending diplomatic talks. "If you are going to bake anything, please save some for me," Bai Quian said to her niece as she entered the carriage. "The morning sickness is gone now, and I find myself with cravings."

"I am baking pear and blueberry pie. I will get someone to leave one at your residence." Feng Jiu repeated feeling hungry although she had eaten breakfast not to two hours ago.

Feng Jiu watched as the carriage pulled away before entering the house to go to the kitchen. She was in the mood for pear pie with a hint of orange and blueberry custard pie.

"Ah Li," Feng Jiu called out from the kitchen window. "Xinyi, come inside to eat the strawberry tart."


Queen Juno of the Bi Yi Nao Clan had the opportunity to host Donghua Dijun and open the valley for Celestial Troops to settle in her Kingdom's outskirts. She had worked hard for years to ingratiate herself to the Bai's, even going as far as to set up playdates for her children and the young Fox Princes, Bai Feng Jiu. When the throne had been handed to her, the Bi Yi Nao Clan had no powerful allies in the Nine Heavens or the Four Realms.

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