Chapter 19

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Author's note; DongFeng work through their problems. 

Rated: 18+ for adult themes, sexual content. Bai Feng Jiu/Dong Hua Dijun fanfiction lemon.


It was late in the evening when His Lordship returned to Tai Chen Palace with his Lady Wife following behind. Feng Jiu was famished; she had not eaten a bite since early morning when her Aunt had set out to teach Su Jin a lesson. Donghua was rather cross with her and the whole situation, he had not spoken to her at all on the way back. Feng Jiu twisted her fingers and was so preoccupied with her thoughts she did not notice her husband stopping in front of her and she collided with his solid back.

"Dijun." Feng Jiu heard Third Prince say and realized that he had probably been waiting for her husband.

"Report." Dijun said disregarding that she had bumped into his back.

"All is quiet in Roushi Riverbank." Third Prince said.

"I want you to turn the palace inside out. The gap in intelligence regarding Bai Quian was disastrous, it cannot happen again. I will not be caught off guard regarding this type of important information." Dijun said tersely and Feng Jiu cringed, hiding behind her husband's back, she did not want to look at Lian Song kowtowing in shame.

Lian Song fell to his knees and began to bang his head against the wooden floor. "Your penance will be a meaningless act if this terrible lapse happens again. Post spies in Quing Qiu around Bai Quian and make sure to keep me appraise of her illness. If the truth of what transpire in the Grand Hall comes out, I will have a difficult time talking Bai Zhi out of his anger. Do not forget Roushi Riverbank, contact me regarding any activity." His Lordship's harsh voice was a shock to Feng Jiu who had only known him as an indulgent man and later a tender husband.

"Yes, Your Lordship." Third Prince said.

"Step out and tell the guards to close down Tai Chen Palace for the night." His Lordship said dismissing Lian Song.

Feng Jiu's stomach growled in hunger, Donghua was in a terrible mood and she felt guilty for contributing to it, he did not look at her as he made his way towards his chamber but she followed him all the same. She had to run after him, Donghua's much longer legs carry him faster than her own, passing through a corridor she had only seeing once before Feng Jiu found herself stopped by a shield she could not transverse. Seeing his back, Feng Jiu was debating whether to call him or let him stew in his anger when he suddenly turned around, waving his hand he pulled down the shield separating them and waited for her wordlessly, it looked to her as this would be all the invitation she would get but it was enough to make her cross the threshold towards him the shield going back up the moment she placed both feet beyond the doorstep. Dijun, still not saying anything, continued down the corridor and together they crossed the remaining two shields to his chambers. As soon as he was in his chambers, Donghua took off his outer robes and hung them by a wooden rack, his inner robe and boots where also taken off.

"I am rather hungry." Feng Jiu said.

"To your right there is a low table, in it you will find menu cards they are enchanted to go directly to the kitchens where food will be prepare and then it will appeared on the same table that is also enchanted." Dijun said with little inflection in his voice and continued taking off his clothes until he was naked and was pulling on a white silk robe.

Feng Jiu had little trouble following his instructions, picking the first menu card she pulsed a tiny bit of magic and it disappeared towards the kitchen. She felt tire, the events of the day had been beyond stressful and she hoped all would be well with her Aunt, much as she did not like Crown Prince her Aunt was now tied to him. She heard Donghua in his bath chambers and decided to strip as well but halfway through she realized that she had no clothing in his chambers and decided to stay in her pantalets and inner shirt. There was a chime of magic and food appeared by the enchanted table, sitting Feng Jiu ate, feeling the hunger pangs in her belly subside, halfway through her meal Donghua appeared from the bath chambers.

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