Chapter 83 - End of Act IV - Strength

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The landscape below the cloud Feng Jiu, with Donghua cradle to her chest, rode on was a streak of green and brown. Her tears blew in the wind, and the magic that propelled forward whistled in her ears. Donghua's heartbeat was erratic, his face a mangle mush of blood and pus.

Infection was setting in on his wounds, and Feng Jiu could not keep the fear at bay; immortals hardly ever develop infections or illness, and if they did, it was because death was not far behind. In his human form, Xi Fang and Jia Li flew on either side of her, guarding them as they reached the cluster of islands that formed Bihai Cangling.

The Starlight Ward, the most powerful protection shield in the Universe, opened at once as they neared, and they continued without stopping until they reached the courtyard of Shaoyang Manor. The marble streaked with gold and pink glow in the evening sun, and the river that crossed under the bridge of the manor was glowing with incandescent white light.

"You must take me to the Eternal Spring," whispered Donghua's voice in her head.

Feng Jiu could feel his fear and immense pain. The poison was eating at his insides, killing him, and his death would take her with him because of their soul bond. However, Feng Jiu held strong. She would fight this until she had no breath left in her body.

The cloud they were riding dissipated, but Feng Jiu hardly noticed. Donghua was convulsing in her arms, the poison pumping through blood, fighting to reach his heart. Xi Fang reached them as her strength failed her, the pain Donghua was experiencing leaking through their mental bond and weakening her body. He had lost the ability to speak, and he was crying out in her mind.

The white tiger in his male human form took Donghua from her arms and rushed inside the manor. Feng Jiu tried to follow, but her legs failed her, and Jia Li was there offering her broad back. Mounting Jia Li, they followed Xi Fang inside the manor through the grand marble doors and caught up with him as he entered the secret chamber that led to the Eternal Spring.

The Eternal Spring bubble forth with magic and power, its healing properties legendary. Xi Fang gently placed Donghua on the floor, and when Jia Li reached them, Feng Jiu simply tossed herself on the floor next to him. She retracted his armour back into the purple jewels at his wrist, as well as her own pangolin armour, and cradle his face.

"Donghua," whispered Feng Jiu as she pumped magic into his body but heard no answer.

"Xi Fang, quickly, bring a bit of water from the Eternal Spring." Jia Li said, and Xi Fang obeyed at once. Picking up a bowl from a nearby table, he knelt and scoop up water from the spring, bringing it back to Donghua and pressing the bowl against his lips. "Master must drink," Jia Li explained to Feng Jiu, who pried open his lips, and a bit of water touched Donghua's tongue.

The burst of healing magic encased Donghua in soft white light, and he relaxed in her arms, his convulsion calming. This magical water would heal Donghua, Feng Jiu thought as she massaged his jaw to swallow more. Xi Fang tipped the bowl so more water would go into Donghua's mouth. Weakly at first, Donghua coughed, swallowing and opened one eye, the other had swelled shut. His good eye looked at her, and Feng Jiu sobbed as she felt him reviving.

"Sweet love," said Donghua softly and tried to lift up one of his hands but found he could not.

Feng Jiu hiccupped and reached his hand to press it against her face. Her body shaking, fat tears rolling down her cheeks. "Husband, you are awake. What can I do? I want to call Zhe Yan." She babbled through her tears, not knowing how to help.

"Forgive me," mumbled Donghua as he convulsed in her arms.

"What is it?" Feng Jiu asked and motioned for Xi Fang to bring more water from the spring before looking back at Donghua.

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