Chapter 92

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Author's note: This chapter has been updated to add two very special scenes that could not been their own chapter on 26/05/ 2022. 

I am still very much writing this fanfic but I working through the snag of properly finishing it after having cut off so many other plot points. It will come along soon.


Two Months Later...

Feng Jiu had received a white jade invitation announcing her Third Uncle's Bai Lei's wedding to long time girlfriend, Daiyu about a month ago. Packing everything she needed, she sent messengers to Tai Chen Summer Palace for a few special objects to gift the couple. Together, with Donghua and Gun Gun, they had embarked on the short journey to Qing Qiu's capital riding a large cloud with Gun Gun's white tiger cubs flying behind them.

"Look Gun Gun, that is the Fox Palace," Feng Jiu said pointing with one hand while holding Gun Gun securely to her hip with the other as they flew over Quing Qiu's capital. Gun Gun pointed and babbled something nonsensical, he had grown too big for his baby clothes and Feng Jiu had cut off all the onesies he had with a closed toe for them to fit.

"It looks like my brother, Bai Zhi is going to be throwing a big party," Donghua said as she looked over all the fireworks and table arrangements.

"My Third Uncle is finally getting marry to Daiyu. Goddess Grandmother has been doing preparations for months." Feng Jiu answered and smiled as she spotted her mother coming out of the Palace to greet them. Gun Gun, his silver hair going wild in the wind, clapped his hands as he saw his grandmother.

The tri fold shields surrounding the palace were brought down by soldiers and Donghua lowered the cloud they were riding to the ground. Gun Gun laughed merrily in his mother's arm as they swopped down, and his tiger cubs flew around them in circles. "Waw a ba gu!" He cried pointing at his tigers with a small finger and looking back and forth between them and his mother.

"Someday you will fly as high as they do," Feng Jiu promised him and landed light on her feet on the cobblestone of the palace massive courtyard.

"My Xiao Jiu!" Biyu said joyfully, hugging her daughter and grandson at the same time.

Gun Gun shrieked with laughter and, grabbing fistfuls of his grandmother's robes, refused to let go when Biyu parted from Feng Jiu. "Gu gu wa!" He prattled and Biyu wrapped her arms around him, hoisting him on her hip.

"I am glad to see you too," Biyu said and kissed his forehead before turning to Donghua and curtsying. "Your Lordship."

"A pleasure to see you, Biyu," Donghua said and looked past her shoulder to see Zhe Yan in the doorway with Bai Zhi. They both nodded at him slowly and Donghua noticed their tense shoulders. It seemed like bad news had knocked on his door once more.

"Xiao Jiu, I knew Gun Gun would outgrow his clothes and I had bigger made for him," Biyu said, and Feng Jiu smiled.

"That is so perfect. I was thinking I would have to rush some for him. He had a sudden growth spurt and everything he had would not fit." Feng Jiu said as she followed her mother into the Fox Palace. They were about to go past a stairwell when she noticed Donghua was no longer following her, and she turned to see him walking after her Grandfather and Zhe Yan.

"Come, Xiao Jiu, they had boring affairs of state to talk about," Biyu said and pulled her daughter by the hand upstairs.


Donghua followed Zhe yan and Bai Zhi deep into the Fox Palace to a secret chamber behind a tapestry protected by privacy shields. Sitting in one of the silks covered dais, Donghua saw Bai Zhi lighting up the fire under an iron kettle.

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