Chapter 24

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Author's note; This fanfic has officially become a 'fix the heartbreaking ending of TMOPB' (A.K.A Eternal Love) that happened from ep. 46 onwards for DongFeng.


Zhi Lan had been guarding the Sea of Innocence for three years, dutifully watching over the many hidden treasures buried in the coffins of the immortals that had passed on into the Realm of Nothingness. He was accompanied by celestial soldiers that guarded the many shields placed around the thirty sixth sphere of heaven. His task was simple, walked up the stone path that connected the many floating chunks of magical rock from where the coffins of the dead members of the Celestial Tribe where suspended by chains from stone pillars making sure they where not disturbed.

Zhi Lan had chosen this lonely life to grant Yan Zhi, the woman he loved, the chance the save her niece... he had no regrets, because for Yan Zhi he would do it again no matter what price he had to pay. So lost was Zhi Lan in his depressive thoughts that he barely heard Die Feng call out to him.

"Senior." Zhi Lan said and bowed to Die Feng.

"Zhi Lan did you not hear me call you twice now?" Die Feng asked and Zhi Lan shook his head. "Never mind, Master has recalled you back to Kun Lun mountain now that he has partially left his seclusion. He has much to discuss with you, he was perturbed to hear you where guarding the Sea of Innocence."

"I shall return to Kun Lun mountain at once..." Zhi Lan was saying when he stopped mid sentence and squinted at the crystal coffin that held Crown Prince's body. "Senior... what is that?"

Die Feng turned to look at where Zhi Lan was pointing to see the crystal coffin that held Ye Hua's body encased in a bizarre white mist. "We should alert Master."


Feng Jiu had fallen asleep wrapped in Donghua's arms, his heartbeat and breathing in sync with her own. Strong magic had flowed from them last night as they made love and it rolled off them in waves sinking into the ancient Fox Den and into the fertile soil of Eastern Lands. Donghua had awakened first and had spent time staring at her sleeping face watching as she rose from sleep into consciousness, and blinked, before smiling as he came into focused. After been satisfied that she was awake, he had carted her off to her bath chambers, and had spelled the waters to be warm, before helping her bathe and then allowing Feng Jiu to soap him up. Drying her off with cotton towels, he had picked her up and taken her back to help her dress as they kissed in between.

"Husband, will you stay for breakfast?" Feng Jiu asked as she helped him in his own clothes.

"Yes, little love." Donghua said. "However, I must leave afterwards. Already, Lian Song waits for me outside the Den." He added with a tender, remorseful expression as she pouted.

"How does he know where you are so soon?" Feng Jiu said sticking out her lower lip as she smoothed his clothing.

"Sweet girl, it is not difficult at all to know where I have gone off to. If I am not at Tai Chen Palace, then of course I am in Qing Qiu with you." Donghua said as he tilted his head and raised his eyebrows at her.

Feng Jiu smiled and rose on her tiptoes to kiss him. "Husband, I love you." She said and found herself kissed silly, encased in a set of beloved arms as their mental bond opened and she found herself cocooned in the mutual love that flowed between them. "I love you." Feng Jiu said again in a breathy voice.

"Keep saying those things and you will find yourself in a lot of trouble." Donghua breathed into her ear as she shivered.

Feng Jiu stuck her nose in the air pretending to be upset as she played with his hair. "More trouble? You left me sore. How will I sit now? It was terribly wicked of you."

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