Chapter 45

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Rated: 18+ for adult themes and sexual content.


The Bridal Procession had been led all the way into Xi Wu Palace where all the officials have been gathered and Crown Prince Ye Hua was waiting dressed in the finest of regalia. Heavenly Lord was by his side as well as many high ranking generals who bowed as Bai Zhi Dijun approached Hao De.

"May the Peace Alliance between the Nine Heavens and Qing Qiu be cemented for all eternity with this marriage." Bai Zhi said reciting the ceremonial words.

"Aye, from this day forward the interest of the Celestial Tribe and Fox Clan will be indistinguishable." Hao De said as he nodded.

The Bridal Palanquin was gently placed down, and maids opened the red silk curtains surrounding the entrance as Bai Quian emerged in all her glory. Ye Hua stepped forward ignoring the propriety of waiting for his bride to simply follow him inside and took Bai Quian's hand.

"From this day forward, High Goddess Bai Quian of Qing Qiu will enter Xi Wu Palace as the legal consort of His Imperial Highness, Crown Prince Ye Hua and become the Crown Princess Consort." One of the many nobles surrounding Hao De read in a magically augmented voice.

In perfect unison, Ye Hua and Bai Quian walked inside Xi Wu Summer Palace and the gates where closed behind them. The Wedding Banquet would commence without them and they would have to make the formal appearances tomorrow morning. Traditionally in the Nine Heavens the blood stain sheets would be paraded for Heavenly Lord's inspection, but this had been dispensed with at Ye Hua's insistence that this was an outdated practice. Feng Jiu placed Ah Li down on the cobblestone and picked up Xinyi as she made her way back to Tai Chen Summer Palace. Donghua would skip the drunken festivities and instead they would hold a private family dinner inside the halls of Tai Chen Palace where Feng Jiu had prepared a feast.


A long precession of richly decorated palanquins led by a silver palanquin with heavy purple drapery and silk curtains followed by long procession of palanquins decorated in soft blue silk line up the heavenly street leading up to Tai Chen Palace. Celestial Soldiers blood sworn to His Lordship guarded the procession to the palace, where maids and cooks where vigorously arranging a private feast in the palace grand hall.

"Quit your lemon sucking face, husband." Biyu admonished Bai Yi as they prepared to head towards Tai Chen Summer Palace.

"Why could she not just have married Cang'Ye?" Bai Yi asked with a soured look on his face as they entered their waiting palanquin and his wife summoned a privacy shield.

Biyu sighed and said. "Jiu'er's heart was gone by the time she met Cang'Ye." She tried explaining again to her husband. "Donghua Dijun makes her happy and seeing her eyes fill with so much joy is enough for me."

Bai Yi reclined against the silk cushions and sighed. "I supposed there is little to do but endure."

"Do not sour the night simply because you disapprove of their marriage, it is past time you put this behind you, husband." Biyu warned with a stern look on her beautiful face.

"I will try to summon a cheerier disposition." Bai Yi said not convincing his Lady Wife.


"Ah Li how is it that you and Xinyi came about to be in the throne room as the Bridal Decreed was read?" Feng Jiu asked as she cuddle Xinyi who was back in her baby human form.

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