Chapter 72 - End of Act III - Cosmic Resonance

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Bai Quian looked up to the sky and fell to her knees as her eyes widened in horror.

She had only ever seen these creatures in secret scrolls at Kunlun Mountain that had been promptly taken away from her by Mo Yuan when he found her. Above her, amongst the purple, black clouds, Miao Lou and Donghua Dijun fought in their primitive forms.

Bai Quian had always suspected that the monster she now beheld was what Donghua Dijun actively looked like. But an Old God taking on their primitive form was something long forgotten in earth immortals' minds. Every fibre of her being had always recognized that Donghua Dijun was dangerous and that she was in the presence of a predator that hid behind the human shape of earth immortal.

How could her father have allowed her niece to marry this monstrous being?

How could her niece not know what she had married?

The monstrous form of Miao Lou was not a shock; she was a horrific beast with red skin and twin horns, her teeth long and serrated, dripping with venom. In the sky, she clashed with Donghua, their arms locking together as her growls shaking the earth as they struggle. Powerful magic blasted off of them, creating a vortex that ripped trees and rocks from the ground.

"Donghua!" Feng Jiu screamed as she scrambled to her feet and ran towards him, forgetting her sapphire blade.

Bai Quian turned and growled. "Feng Jiu, stay where you are!" She tried to catch her niece as the girl ran past her but failed as the wave of power weakened her knees, and she fell to the ground.

Feng Jiu ran towards the vortex wanting to fly into the sky towards the battle. Panic had settled in her chest, and she felt it the moment Miao Lou began to draw on the life energy to fight off Donghua. This is how it had been when Donghua had fought Miao Lou thirty two thousand years ago, she had sucked the land of the Demon Realm dry of magical life energy. Using it to fight off Donghua in a battle that threatened to pull apart the Universe.

Feng Jiu saw the moment that Miao Lou saw her, her red pupils staring at her with malice and hate. Above Donghua and Miao Lou the fabric of space tore apart, miasma poured out of the crevice, and she heard the sound of fallen creatures beyond. Donghua looked up, his purple eyes staring into the dark crack in the sky as he sensed Miao Lou, even in her weak shadow state, hoping to force a duel with him for sovereignty in the Universe.

"Donghua!!!" Feng Jiu screamed as she saw the plants dying, animals collapsing dead to the ground as they try to outrun the calamity that threatened to befall the Valley.

"Stay back!" Donghua growled, and Miao Lou cackle in delight.

"I am going to eat her and the monstrosity she carries in her belly!!!" Miao Lou growled and, flexing her muscle, pushed away from Donghua to chase after Feng Jiu.

Feng Jiu's eyes widened in horror, and she saw Donghua chasing after Miao Lou. Their eyes met over the shoulder of the hulking beast that was coming to attack her, and she felt him undoing the shields that surrounded her magic, setting her free from its constraints. Power unfurled inside her, her tails manifesting in a shower of red light and putting her hands together, she called forth a defensive spell.

The power that rushed out of her arms and fingertips was staggering. Feng Jiu's vision grew dim, and her body weakened as the force of the spell ran out of her and slammed against Miao Lou's chest, sending her careening backwards as she growled. The winds of wild magic pushed Feng Jiu into the ground, and she screamed as she fell, the Tiangan shield activating all around her.

Donghua rushed forward, positioning himself between Feng Jiu and Miao Lou, who was still recovering from the blow she had been dealt. All around him, he saw that although injured and a mere shadow, Miao Lou was still managing to suck the life energy out of the Valley. There was no choice but summoned the magic that flowed between Feng Jiu and himself, Donghua realized as he stared at Miao Lou, who lifted her monstrous head and bared her fangs.

"That wench... hurt me." Miao Lou growled out as poison dripped from her gaping maw and fell to the ground turning into acid. "You and that wench HURT MEEEEEEEEE!" She growled in anger and breathed blue fire out of her mawed.

"This stops right here," Donghua said and lowered the shields surrounding his soul bond with Feng Jiu.

"I am going to suck the marrow off your bones!!!!!" Miao Lou growled as she unleashed her magic.

"You will never lay a hand on her," Donghua said as his eyes glowed purple and he spread his massive arms.

Feng Jiu looked up at him from the ground and felt the pull of the soul bond. Her eyes glowed, columns of light coming out of her eyes and mouth as her body was gently lifted from the ground. She felt the power of creation, magic vibrating through her body, the frequency of life emanating from her as she connected to Donghua.

A pink light emanated from Donghua, growing bigger and into a cloud that covered the entire valley. Small balls of light began to rain from the cloud and turned into flower petals as they fell to the ground soaking it in healing energy.

"You are not welcome in this Universe any longer. Leave now." Donghua said, his voice superimpose with Feng Jiu's own.

Miao Lou felt power slamming into her as she sucked out of the Valley and the Universe through the crevice. Snakes and giant spiders floated past her, their legs struggling to hold onto something as they were exiled from the Universe.

"I will be back." Miao Lou growled as she struggled against the command Donghua had issued. "I will make your life a living hell, Donghua!"

Bingliang floated past, Miao Lou holding onto Li Mei, who was missing her right arm at the elbow and shaking in pain. The crevice in the sky growing smaller as the purification magic healed the fabric that separated dimensions.

"Begone!" Donghua growled and sent one last pulsed of energy that hurled Miao Lou's shadow out of the Universe.

The crevice in the sky sealed shut, and creation magic flowed through Fanyin Valley, healing the pain Miao Lou had inflicted. Donghua flew down to Feng Jiu, his body growing smaller as he took on his human appearance and caught an unconscious Feng Jiu in his arms.

 Donghua flew down to Feng Jiu, his body growing smaller as he took on his human appearance and caught an unconscious Feng Jiu in his arms

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End of Act III

To be continued...

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