Chapter 7

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Rated: 18+ for adult themes, sexual content. Bai Feng Jiu/Dong Hua Dijun fanfiction lemon.


After a small, pleasant nap Feng Jiu had realized what Dijun had done to her dress and she was most definitely outrage on behalf of the poor thing. She sat up in bed and felt his roaming eyes as she pulled off the remains of her dress and threw them on the floor, her ruin silk pantalets soon followed, she would never be able to sew any of it back together. "Did you had to rip my dress?" She asked him with a pout. "What am I going to wear now?"

Dijun smiled at her. "It was in the way." He too, had finish taking his clothes off and had laid down in the bed to watch her struggle with the tatters of her dress.

Feng Jiu gave him a dirty look, she wondered if she could get away with wearing his clothes, gathering the silk sheet in the bed she attempted to cover herself, but he pulled her back in the bed and hovered over her. "Who said you can cover yourself?" Dijun asked her before pulling the silks away and covering her with his naked body.

"Dijun, ripping my dress was barbaric." Feng Jiu admonish and squirmed when he tried to pull her legs apart. Gasping, she felt he was hard again and the sensuous feel of his hard manhood against her leg arouse her again. She thought being deflowered was supposed to be painful and bloody but Dijun had been so careful she wasn't even sore; she was in fact aroused and ready to try again to see if he would fit.

"That was your fault, you shouldn't have undone my clothing or insisted I stayed. You are in my chambers, of course you weren't going to keep your maidenhead." He told her shamelessly as he forced one his legs in between hers and settled in between her legs that eagerly wrapped around his hips.

Feng Jiu gasped and tried her best to look severe while putting her arms around his neck. "You... you did wicked things to me with your mouth. Besides, me having lost my maidenhead is still up to debate because... because it only went halfway in." She argued and bit her lip when he raised his eyebrows at her. "I don't think I felt it at all."

Dijun smiled. "We need to fix that. I need to make sure that when you do leave here, you are sure you lost your maidenhead because this time it went all the way in."

Feng Jiu gasped but was promptly kissed by Dijun and his wicked tongue. Bringing his hands to frame her face, he caressed her cheeks as he kissed her and begun to rock his hard cock against the juncture in between her legs. She moaned, their kiss turning wet and sloppy. His breathing came ragged and she ran her hands down his back tracing his muscles in long strokes. Her legs squeezed his waist and she began to writhe underneath him, their rocking becoming frantic as she felt closer to an orgasm, their chest rubbing together, her nipples feeling overly sensitive. Her inner muscle clenched over nothing and Feng Jiu sobbed.

"Inside me." She begun to beg in between kisses. "Oh, please. Inside me."

Dijun's eyes darkened with passion as he looked deeply into hers. "What was that?" He asked her cruelly as he rocked harder against her, the head of his cock rubbing against her swollen nub.

"Oh, please put it inside me." She begged and sobbed as he lifted himself and positioned the head of his manhood against her. "Oh, yes." Feng Jiu gasped but instead of feeling him push into her, she felt him dragged the tip of cock up and down the secret place in between in her legs. "No, inside I said." She suddenly gritted out in frustration as she tried to scoot closer and pushed herself down on him only to have him pull away. "This is cruel of you." Feng Jiu complained and moaned when she felt him go back to teasing her.

Grabbing hold of his shoulders she braced herself and tried to sneak him inside her, but he pulled further away and would only return when she would lay down and passively take his teasing. "Oh, this is torture." She complained and now pulled on his hair to relieve her frustration.

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