Chapter 80

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Author's note: In preparation for writing this part of the series, I actively listened to Brian Green and Brian Cox on black holes, string theory and quantum mechanics. I have hinted heavily at multiple dimensions, Feng Jiu having developed the power to change her reality and her ability to affect other characters' destinies. The idea of a multiverse subplot has also reared its head at some points within the series, and I feel Ten Miles of Peach Blossom sort of lends itself to this kind of plot.


The wind whistled past them as Donghua and Feng Jiu, accompanied by Xi Fang and Jia Li, rode a large cloud to Bai Shui Mountain through Demon Realm territory. Feng Jiu was wearing her golden pangolin armour, her hair tightly braided back from her face and her sapphire diamond sword in her hand. She was aptly listening to Donghua, who was wearing his own silver armour, speak about how to behave in the treacherous currents of magic inside the cursed mountain.

"Xi Fang will go in first and clear as many creatures as having infiltrated," said Donghua, and at once, Xi Fang stood up from his seat near her and jumped from the cloud, shielding himself in an invisible shield as he barreled downwards to the ground. "You and Jia Li will close as many wormholes as you can as I seal up Miao Lou's shadow more tightly. This is necessary, so she does not return through any of the tears in the dimensional fabric."

"Yes," agreed Feng Jiu nodding her head and feeling him undo all his careful shielding surrounding their powers.

"I will give you no restrictions on your magical abilities. You will need them badly but do not overextend yourself, sweet love," admonished Donghua as he looked down at her sternly. "If you get lost, the necklace I have given you will guide you back to our home Universe, and if you activate the spell inside it, you will be taken to Bihai Cangling directly."

"You are to worry, Husband," said Feng Jiu as she jumped to her feet to show him how spritely she was feeling. "I am at full power, and our soulbond guarantees I will not lose my way home."

"Still," said Donghua narrowing his eyes slightly at her overconfidence. "Jia Li will take care of you. She is powerful and experienced in navigating multiple universes."

"Master ought to not worry, Xi Fang and I will take care of Her Ladyship," said Jia Li in a gentle voice and nudged Feng Jiu's hand, urging her to climb onto her back as they prepare to jump off the cloud they were riding. Feng Jiu swung onto Jia Li's broad back and held onto the shining silver armour the giant white tiger wore to battle.

"Be careful," reminded Donghua as Jia Li moved forward with Feng Jiu on her back and jumped into the desolate land of the demon realm. A spell activated instantly to shield them from prying eyes as Jia Li glided inside the caverns of Bai Shui Mountain, and Donghua lost sight of them.

The cloud hiding Donghua from sight glided further into the mountain range and neared the opening of a dormant volcano. A wave of Donghua's hand dissipated the cloud he was riding, and he fell down the shaft of the volcano towards the center where the sacred tree that sealed away Miao Lou stood.

As a purple mist, Donghua maneuvered through the turbulent currents of dark magic into Bai Shui Mountain and inside the cave where Miao Lou had been sealed. He found her still locked to the ancient tree, her hands free but her eyes close to the world. Donghua was not fooled, Miao Lou was a dangerous creature born of the hate and horror of the primitive era; she would do her best to trick him until her last breath. Turning into his human form, his silver armour in place and Cang He in his hand, he beheld the monster that had once terrified the Four Realms and Six Directions.

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