Parents II (TROS)

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Disclaimer: This story is purely based on author's imagination

Soo Hyun lets out a deep breath when Yea Ji left.

He is still standing near the door, he looks at his baby girl in his arms. "Hyejin ah, what should appa do?" the baby girl smiles at him and pokes his face.

Soo Hyun laughs and pouts, Hyejin instantly leans kiss his father.

N 1: They are so sweet!

N 2 : I wish my kids are like that.

N 1: Btw, where's Ha jun?

Hajun is still sulking on the couch, pouting and arms crossed. Soo Hyun walks towards him, he placed Hyejin on her walker and sit beside his son.

"What's wrong Ha Jun ah?" he asked softly as he placed his arms on his shoulder.

"Omma" he said while looking up to him

"Omma will be back tomorrow. Don't be sad, I will play with you."

"But you need to wash up first before playing." Soo Hyun said as he stand up and offer his hand which Ha Jun hold instantly as he stand up too

The two go upstairs to wash up. Meanwhile, Hyejin is still on her walker.

She's busy playing with the camera that was attached on her walker. Her face is near the cam that only her eyes and nose can see.

N 1: Omo! Look she's smiling

N 2: Her eye smile is just too adorable. She's really pretty.

When she got bored she started walking around the living room. She's calm as she walks everywhere when her eyes caught something scary for her. She stopped on her trace and her face got shocked

N 1: Why? Why? What did she see?

N 2: Oh, is she gonna cry?

She saw a moving camera in the tent that's following her.

N 1: Ahhh, a lot of kids find that camera creepy.

While putting clothes to Ha Jun they heard a cry downstairs.

"HaJun ah, wait here." Soo Hyun said and runs outside his bedroom.

"Hyejin ah, what's wrong?" he asked, the baby girl pointed the moving camera as she cry

He picked her up "Don't cry. It's not scary." he stated as he wiped her tears

Ha Jun is currently trying to put his t shirt on him. His first attempt, it's stuck on his head. Second attempt, he couldn't put the other sleeves.

He sigh and removed it again.

N 1: He's really patient

Finally, he wears it properly this time.

"Oh. You already wear it?" Soo Hyun was amazed

"Wah, You're really a big boy now, Ha Jun ah." he said

"Yes, I'm a big boy now,appa."

This time, Soo Hyun will wash up Hyejin.

Hajun is on the playroom, playing with his toy cars. He got curious about the tents and stand up. He walks towards the first tent and saw a camera man inside it.

"Oh." He said when he saw a person and he bows at him

N 1: He's really polite.

N 2: His parents raise him well

He walks to the second tent and saw another cameraman inside.

"Anyeonghaseyo." he said as he bows and smile

Soo Hyun placed hyejin on the highchair in the dining room as he cooks their dinner.

"Appa, I want yogurt drink." Hajun said, he went to the refrigerator to get one and give it to him. Ha jun went upstairs.

Soo Hyun is now feeding Hyejin baby food.

N 1: Look, she's still eating but already sleepy

N 2: *laughs* she's too adorable

Soo Hyun noticed Hajun is not eating the food. "Hajun ah, why? Is it not delicious?" he asked

He tries the food and it tastes okay. He wonders why he's not eating. "You should eat." he takes a spoonful and give it to him but he shakes his head.

He didn't know why so he decided to call Yea Ji.

"Why? What happened?"

"Ha Jun is not eating."

"Did you gave hime something before the meal?" Yea Ji asked

He remembered he gave him a yogurt. "Yes, a yogurt."

"Aish! You shouldn't give something to him before eating."

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know." he said as he placed his hand on his nape

"Omma!" Ha jun said

"Ha jun ah, you should eat. Okay? Where's Hyejin?"

"Still eating but already sleepy."

"Alright. Bye, see you tomorrow."

"I miss you." Soo Hyun whines, Yea Ji chuckled on the other line

After the call, he looked at Ha jun. Are you already full in just one yogurt drink?

N 1: That's right.

*A while ago Ha Jun went upstairs with a yogurt in his hand and went to his room, he closed the door. He sit on his bed and get something.

N 1: What's that?

He had a box of cookies on the table beside his bed.

N 2: Ahhh, that's why he's full.

N 1: Look at him, he's looking around to see if someone's watching him.

N 1: *laughs* he's really cute

The next day, Ha Jun and Hyejin settled on the baby seat in the car.

They arrived on a restaurant. Both of them sitting on the high chair.

A familiar woman approached them. "Omma!" Hajun shouted excitedly

"Hi babies. I miss you!" she said and hug the two kids

She sit beside Soo Hyun and saw him pouting. She laughs "Why?"

"You didn't miss me?" he asked

"Of course I miss you. How are you?" she said. Soo Hyun hugs her as if he's recharging his energy "I'm okay."

Yea Ji rubs his back "You did well,oppa."

N 1: This is the first time to see that clingy side of them. Ah, I really love watching this.

N 2: You're right. Looking forward to this lovely family.

Since alot of you are asking for part 2. I hope y'all enjoyed. Thank you for reading! ♥️

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