Confusion iv

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Disclaimer: this story is purely based on author's imagination

Yea Ji noticed how he opened the door for her and how he placed his hand on her head when she's about to get inside.

The car ride was silent and awkward. Soo Hyun focuses on the road, doesn't know how to start a conversation.

"Stop the car." he heard Yea Ji said

"Why?" he asked then turned to her who's looking outside

"It's snowing." she said

Soo Hyun checked if it's really snowing and then there are few falling from the sky.

He then stopped the car.

Slowly, it pours.

While Yea Ji is enjoying the snow outside, he took the chance to appreciate her beauty. She's smiling as she watch the falling snow.

"It's beautiful isn't?" she asked him, her gaze still fix on the snow outside

"Yes, it's beautiful." he answered while looking at her

"Do you want to go out?" he added



"It's cold outside. I don't like being cold. I'm just amazed because it's the first snow of the year." she said as she smile at him "Let's go before the snow covers the road."

"First snow this year." Soo Hyun thought

"I'm very lucky to watch it with you, Yea Ji ssi." he wanted to say

After a while, they arrived in her condo. He helped her carry the gifts to her unit.

Yea Ji opened the door and welcomed by her corgi dog. "This is Manny." she said, Soo Hyun smile at the cute creature. "Hi, Manny."

He roamed his eyes her unit is so clean, it's just simple but it's pretty big.

"You can put it here."  Yea Ji said pointing at an empty room.

"That's a lot." He stated when he saw the room filled with gifts. Yea Ji scratches her neck "Ah, yes."

Soo Hyun senses her being slightly embarrassed about having too much gifts. "You deserve all of it tho." he said

She smiles at him "Thank you very much. I really appreciate it. Do you want coffee before you leave?"

"Sure." he answered

While Yea Ji is making a coffee, he sit on one of her couch and saw another dog sleeping. He carefully caress its fur.

"Here." Yea Ji said while giving the mug to him.

"Thank you." he stated

"Who's this?"

"That's Ssulti."

After a few minutes, he decided to leave.

"Thank for the coffee. I'll go now."

"Thank you too, Soo Hyun ssi. For the help." she said as she walks him to the door

Soo Hyun is already on the parking lot when he received a text from Yea Ji.

I had a great day! Thank you again and please text me when you got home. Drive safely. :) 

He smiles like an idiot as he drives home.


IU: oppa @/ how's life? 😂

SUZY: Looks like someone's enjoying? 😅

TAECYEON: Let's just wait until he chats us again being sad and broken. lol

SOO HYUN: GUYS!! I'm so happy today. 🤭 A lot have happened but the highlight was WE WATCHED THE FIRST SNOW TOGETHER!! ♥️

IU: 🤦

TAECYEON: Ok, congrats.


SOO HYUN: Can y'all just be happy for me??? 🙄 I hate you guys.

A month have passed, Soo Hyun's taping day will start in a few weeks. He's probably be busy from the time being. It frustrates him when Yea Ji doesn't answer his texts anymore.

The last time they saw each other was one week ago, they were okay that time. He wondered if he said or did something that made her mad.

Yea Ji is on her commercial shoot, she's getting her make up done when her phone rings. His name flashes on her screen. She flip her phone and sigh.

She started ignoring him when he begun being sweet to her. Yes, he had been sweet to her ever since.

But Yea Ji knew from the begining when he asked her number that his intention was not only asking to be his friend.

It is more than that.

It's clear and very obvious that he likes her.

Sometimes she wonders if texting him first was a bad idea.

She feels nervous, confuse and scared when he started to text her everyday, asking her day, if she already got home and if she already eat.

Not just that, because he knows her address, sometimes there's a food delivery when she didn't order anything- or even flowers without a tag.

She knew it was all from him.

They barely see each other because of busy schedule but she feels like he's always with her when she saw the flowers, the foods or when she reads his texts.

And it makes her scared.

She thought she could forget him but because of her fragile side who agreed to be his friend... and texted him first.



she, too is slowly falling for him.

But the question is,

is their feelings enough to let their story begin?

Soo Hyun jolted in his sit when Yea Ji finally replied to him.

"Let's meet."

What do you think will happen?


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