IV. Marriage: Past Vs. Present

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Disclaimer: this story is purely based on author's imagination

It's been an hour since he started scanning the scripts in the office and he's already sleepy.

He's wondering why Yea Ji hasn't texted him yet.

Another hour has passed and he started to worry about her. He tries to call her again but this time her phone is off.

He shakes his head as he overthink things and just try to contact her again but then he heard the door opened.

"Hey, why didn't you call?" he asked her worriedly but then she just walk passed by him and go upstairs without looking or saying anything to him.

"What the hell happened?" he thought

He follows her upstairs as he scratches the back of his head. He waits for her as she's still in the bathroom.

He stand up when she gets out of the bathroom but she just ignore him and about to walk out of the room when he stops her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked nervously

She's breathing heavily and he saw how she's fighting her tears.

"You tell me what's wrong." she said with a trembling voice.

"What? Where did you go?" he asked, still holding her wrist.

She pulled her hand away and cross her arms. "I overheard your conversation with you ex. She saw me so we talked."

"You... you what?"

"You heard me."  she answered

"Do you know what she said to me Kim Soo Hyun?" she added

"Yea Ji ah, please it's not true. I'm sorry if I didn't told that she came to talk to me. Tell me what did she said, maybe she's just saying those to make you angry. I'll talk----"

"You have a son." she said


She's now crying and punching his chest "What do you mean what? She said you know that you both have a child! Soo Hyun! Please. Why didn't you say to me? Huh?!"

"Yea Ji, I don't have any idea about that. I swear." he's stopping her

"But you sent her money? For the child. Don't lie to me because she gave evidence to me!"

"WHAT? It's not true--- Yea Ji!" he didn't finish his answer as she walks away from their closet.

"What are you doing?" he raised her voice

"LISTEN TO ME FIRST BEFORE YOU GET MAD! SEO YEA JI!" but she just continue putting her clothes in her luggage.

"Don't talk to me unless you're going to say the truth. I'll go back to my condo." she said without any emotions and slams the door

"SEO YEA JI!" Soo Hyun shouted as he jolts in his chair.

"What the hell." he muttered "Keep Calm, Soo Hyun ah. It's just a bad dream." he said as he breathe heavily.

He became more nervous because of that damn dream- or a nightmare. He rubs his palm in his face when the door opened.

He immediately stand up when he saw Yea Ji. "Yea Ji ah." he said nervously, she looks at him "Are you okay?" she asked while wiping his forehead. "Are you sick? Why are you sweating?"

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