Parents IV (TROS)

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Disclaimer: this story is purely based on author's imagination

N 1: The winter sun is shining brightly today!

N 2: It's been two months since Kim's family joined us.

The camera focuses on the house then pans into Hyejin who can now stand and walk around without her walker. She's holding her baby bottle as she moves in their living room.

N 1: Omo! She's already walking.

N 2: Time flies so fast.

Yea Ji walks downstairs and smiles as she saw her daughter.

"Om.Omm.Omma!" The little girl said

N 1: Aww she can also talk right now.

Yeaji is now tying her hair into pig tails. After that, Hyejin started to walk around again.

"You should greet them Hyejin ah." Yea Ji said as Hyejin stopped infront of the tent. She understands her mom and bows playfully.

"Very good." Yea Ji said then Hajun and Soo Hyun walks downstairs to join them.

While Yea Ji is preparing their breakfast, Soo Hyun and Hajun are trying to assemble his toy car. Hyejin is sitting in Soo Hyun's lap quietly watching them arrange the toys.

"Appa! Help me." Ha jun said when he can't put a part of the toy but Hyejin spilled a milk so he stand up to get a tissue.

Hajun stand up and go to the kitchen "Omma can you help me please?"

"What is it?" she said without looking at him. "This. I can't put it." he said

Yea Ji checked the toy but looks like it needs a screw to put the two parts together. "Hajun ah, ask your dad to fix it. He knows how to do that." she stated


Hajun went back to the living room only to see hyejin holding some parts and disassemble the 'already built' toy car.

N 1: Omygod. What's happening?

N 2: Is he going to be mad?

He quietly takes the toy in her hands and started putting it back together while pouting. Then Soo Hyun wiped the milk on the floor.

"Oh. What happened?" he asked, Hajun shakes his head.

After fixing it, Hajun remember the other toy that needs to fix. He get it "Appa, I can't do this." he said but Soo Hyun's attention is on Hyejin.

"Appa!" he shouted then Soo Hyun looked at him "What?" he asked

"Please help me with this." he whispered, Soo Hyun is about to get the toy when Hyejin tries to climb the gates and barrier attached on the stairs - it was there for the kid's safety.

Soo Hyun runs to get her.

Hajun watched his father, he had enough and started to throw the toys parts then started crying. Soo Hyun got shocked while Hyejin got startled.

"What's that?" Yea Ji asked from the kitchen

Hajun is wailing, Soo Hyun got alarmed. "Why? Why?" he asked

N 1: Aish! He is being patient for a long time.

N 2: It's you, Soo Hyun ssi *laughs*

He carried Hajun who is still sobbing. He doesn't know why he's crying and it's the first time to see his son like this.

Yea Ji finished cooking and go to the living room. She saw a mess on the floor, toys scattered on the floor.

"Why are you crying?" She asked and Hajun opened her arms wanting to be carried by her.

Yea Ji runs her hand on his back as he cries on her arms. "Why?" she mouthed to Soo Hyun "I don't know." he answered

They are both alarmed, Yea Ji goes upstairs and go to his bedroom to talk to him. He's on her lap, facing her still sobbing.

"What are you feeling, Hajun ah?" she asked softly

"I'm sad." he whispered

"What makes you sad?"


"Why is that?"

"He ignored me many times." he said and started crying again

Yea Ji sigh and hugs him. When he calmed down, she hold his arms "It's not nice to throw things like that Hajun ah. But omma understand why did you do it. It's okay to feel sad, I'm sure your dad didn't mean to ignore you." she said

Meanwhile on the living room Soo Hyun is fixing the toys. "What happened to your brother Hyejin ah?" he asked her and she pointed him which makes the narrators laugh

Yea Ji went back "Where is he?" he asked

"Got tired from crying. He's sleeping."

The staffs let Yea Ji and Soo Hyun watched what really happened.

The parents are watching how Soo Hyun unintentionally ignored Hajun three three times and not only that before they went downstairs Hajun asked Soo Hyun to carry him too but he didn't heard it.

He sigh as he watched his son's reaction.

N 1: But he's very patient right? He could've done a tantrum the first time his dad ignored him.

N 2: You're right. He just had enough.

"Wah, I didn't know. I feel so bad." Soo Hyun said while Yea Ji pats her back "It's okay."

After the interview, Hajun wakes up and saw his father in his bed. "Appa." he said

Soo Hyun caress his face and kiss his forehead. "I'm sorry Hajun ah, I didn't mean to ignore you like that." he stated. Hajun smiles at him and hugs his father.

N 1: This is so nice to watch.

The two went down and saw Yea Ji and Hyejin sleeping on the couch.

The boys decided to go to the playroom to fix Hajun's toy car.

I hope you guys enjoyed reading! What do you want them to do for the last chapter? Comments your suggestion/idea and I'll pick one. Thank you for reading! ♥️

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