Confusion iii

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Disclaimer: this story is purely based on author's imagination

Yea Ji has been very reserved when talking to someone she barely know. Well, She and Soo Hyun had past- the pudding commercial back in 2014. That maybe one of the reasons why she never felt awkward around him.

It's true that she doesn't have many friends in the showbiz industry. After filming, they all went to their own lives and works.

It's just work after all.

She had a boyfriend when she was still not an actress but it only lasted a year. After that, she dated few but it didn't work.

Her rookie years in the industry had been a rollercoaster for her. She didn't know if acting was for her but as time past, she learned how to love the craft and appreciate it.

She's always felt empty after finishing a drama but the emptiness she felt after IOTNBO was different.

She misses the staffs. She misses the casts. She misses her oppa- Oh Jung Se.

Most importantly she misses her best partner- Kim Soo Hyun. She misses his jokes. She misses his presence.

She knows her feelings will fade soon.

But after talking to manager Ryu, she thinks very carefully if she will reach him.

All of her previous on screen partners had always complimented her face. But Soo Hyun is different. He always compliments her voice and her acting skills.

He's very gentleman and considerate on the set but she doesn't understand why he's always tensed around her when in fact he had been the best partner she has worked with.

"Can I have your number?"

"I just want to be your friend."

She remembered his effort to wait for her just to ask that. Plus, she was taken a back Kim Soo Hyun - the highest paid actor wants to be his friend?

"Well, there's nothing wrong if we became friends." she said to herself and started typing her message

"Is it okay if we can meet on the agency tomorrow?" he texted back

"It's fine, it's my rest day tomorrow. What time?" she replied

"Oh, you should rest first. We can meet some other time."

"No, it's okay. I need to get the remaining gifts tomorrow. Let's meet, 10 am."

"Great. See you, Yea Ji ssi. Goodnight."

Soo Hyun arrived early on the agency, sitting on the waiting area in the hallway. "Yah! Why are you here?" Manager Ryu asked

He smiled at him "We're going to meet." he said proudly

"Don't tell me you're planning to go out? It's not safe outside, Soo Hyun ah. People will recognize you both."

"Aish, don't worry hyung. Being a labelmates is an advantage. We'll just talk here. That's all."

"Fine. But still be careful, okay?" he nodded

After awhile Yea Ji arrived and saw Soo Hyun using his phone. She walks towards him "Hi."

Soo Hyun heard her voice and it make him blush. He cleared his throat. "Hi, Yea Ji ssi." he said and transfer to the other sit so she can occupied the sit beside him.

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