I see the future: Part 1

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"It's fine, hyung. I don't have any schedule anyway and I'm bored here at home. Hmmm. Okay, see you later." Soo Hyun dropped the call.

His bowling collogue turned into a close friend called him if he can look after his four year old son because he needs to accompany his wife who was scheduled to have a C-section for their second kid tomorrow.

Since they live in the same subdivision, Soo Hyun agreed to take care of the kid. He's been resting after his another successful drama plus his girlfriend is very busy nowadays due to her filming for her upcoming drama.

Taking care of a kid can be a good past time and also a practice for fthe future. He thought.

He heard his doorbell rings and quickly opened the door. "Hi,hyung! It's been a while." he said and kneel to meet the adorable boy who's hiding behind his father's legs.

"Hi there." he said while ruffling the kid's hair. The kid just smile at him ang look at his father.

"Ji Hoon ah, this is uncle Soo Hyun. Say hello."

The kid bow "Hi, uncle Soo Hyun." he said softly. Soo Hyun smiled at the adorable kid.

"I'm really sorry about the sudden call and favor." his father said

"It's fine, hyung. Do you want to go in?" he asked

The father shakes his head "My wife and I need to prepare now. It's so sudden, we expected Ji Hoon's sibling to come out normal but there are complications."

"Okay. I'm sure his sibling will come out healthy. Goodluck to you and your wife. Congratulations too." He said

"Thanks, Soo Hyun ah. We need to catch up some time. All of his things are here. His mom also put some post it for some information. Ji Hoon ah, be good to uncle. Okay? I'll get you tomorrow evening."

"Come here, Ji Hoon ah." Soo Hyun said while holding the kid's hand.

"Bye, appa. Please tell my little sibling I'm gonna wait for her."

The adults chuckled. "I'll go now. Thank you again. See you tomorrow."

It's been five hours since Ji Hoon came here. It's not really hard for Soo Hyun to take care of him. When his father left, Ji Hoon was shy at first but when he asked if he wants to watch cartoon, the kid became active and told him he wants to watch dinosaurs and he told him numerous stories about it.

After that, they ate fruits for snacks. While eating, he video call his girlfriend.


"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm so tired, Soo Hyun ah." she said while yawning and pouting.

"When are you packing up?" he asked, worried that she's not getting enough sleep these days.

"I still have three or four scenes to shoot."

"Do you want to sleep here? Ryu hyung said that your filming site is quite near here than your condo. Hmm?"

"Arasso. I'll go there later." she said and got surprised when a tiny hand appeared on his mouth giving him a strawberry. "Oh, who's that?" she asked

"Remember my bowling buddy? This is his son. Ji Hoon ah, this is my girlfriend say hi" he said and focused the camera on him

"Hi, baby boy." Yea Ji said adoringly, Soo Hyun knows how much she loves kids.

"I'm Yeaji. Call me aunt Yea Ji."

"Aunt Yea Ji so pretty like mommy." Ji Hoon said to Soo Hyun. Ji Hoon's eyes has been fixed on the screen. Looking at Yea Ji 

They both laugh and Soo Hyun agrees. "You should take a nap. See you later. I miss you."

"I miss you too."

"Uncle, she's really pretty." Ji Hoon said for the nth time. Soo Hyun laughed it looks like this little boy has a crush on his girlfriend.

"Will she go here?"

"Yes. Later."

The little boy smile shyly.

Happy Chinese New Year! Who wants part 2? ✨

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