our story:part 5

978 63 11

Disclaimer: This story is purely based on author's imagination

Soo Hyun said that he will be enlisting soon but Yea Ji already knew it since there are many articles about it.

They are not officially together yet because Yea Ji wants to take their time to know each other deeply first and he respects that.

"You know I wouldn't allow you to do the things you're doing for me if I don't have feelings for you right? It's just that...." Yea Ji couldn't find the right words

"I know, I know. And I understand that." Soo Hyun said as he smile at her and hold her hands.

He was supposed to work in public service duty instead of active duty as he previously underwent a surgery related to his heart when he was young so the schedule of his enlistment got delayed as there are documents to be submitted for him to do the active duty.  He still have a month before he officially go to military and he wants to spend that time with Yea Ji.

Meanwhile, Yea Ji has been feeling so well after attending some counseling and also the filming of Save Me officially ended. Soo Hyun would always go to her place to check up on her. She's still experiencing sleep paralysis sometimes so Soo Hyun decided to stay with her to make sure nothing bad will happen to her. He would sleep on the couch in her bedroom or in the living room because he doesn't want to take advantage of her.

Soo Hyun's cousin said that he was planning to builf a company- talent agency to be exact and Soo Hyun said he will support it since his contract on his current agency is about to end.

One night Yea Ji woke up in the middle of the night as she her throat feels dry. She felt his hands holding hers. He was resting his face on the bed while sitting on the floor. Yea Ji felt bad about it, he doesn't need to do this for her. He was sleeping deeply and she took this time to admire his handsome face.

"Do I deserve him?" she asked herself. She sigh and slightly tap his shoulders.

"Soo Hyun ssi, wake up."

He slowly opened his eyes, he smile as he saw her beautiful face.

"Isn't your position uncomfortable? you should go home." she said then Soo Hyun checked the time it's only 1;00 am and he was worried she would experience sleep paralysis when he was away.

"It's okay. I'll stay here, I'll sleep outside. Go back to sleep." He was about to stand up when Yea Ji hold his hand.


"Are you sleepy?"

"Not that much. I slept earlier before I go here. Why?"

"Do you want to go for  a walk?" Yea Ji asked then he nodded

They are wearing face masks as they stroll in the park near her place. Soo Hyun saw her shiver, she was wearing a jacket tho.

"Are you cold?" he asked as he removes his hoodie

"Oh. I didn't expect the weather. You know I get cold easily." she said


"Aren't you cold?" she asked when he gave his hoodie to her

"It's okay. Wear it."

They are now in a coffee shop, Soo Hyun discovered that Yea Ji is a coffee lover and he got shocked when she said she used to drink 5 coffee in a day.

Soo Hyun took a pictures and videos of her. "she's so cute." he thought

As they walk, Soo Hyun got surprised as he felt her intertwined their hands. He stopped walking and look to her.

"Thank you. For everything." she stated then hugged him tightly. He hugged her back and whispered "You're always welcome, my Yea Ji."

They got back on her unit at 3 am. They settled on her balcony. "Oppa." he heard her said

"Wh..what did you say?"

"Oppa?" she said cutely as her eyes smile. Yea Ji felt that she needs to give him assurance since he will be away soon. So right now she,too will take a risk.

Soo Hyun couldn't talk, he was pleasantly surprised. He bit his lips to refrain himself from smiling too much. They both chuckled then he placed a kiss on her forehead. "I really really like you, Yea Ji ah."

"I like you too, oppa." she expressed

Soo Hyun leaned closer to give her a kiss but he felt her breathing nervously. Their foreheads are touching and started caressing the back of her head to make her calm. Then she slowly closed her eyes and their lips met.After a few seconds of sharing a sweet and passionate kiss, Yea Ji couldn't look on his eyes and he finds it cute. He chuckled and pulled her in his arms again.

Thank you for reading! I know I said this chapter would be about Soo Hyun's enlistment but I think they need some cute moments together.

Would you like me to continue this until IOTNBO (2020) time setting? 🤗

And also please please vote for them on idol champ
thanks everyone ❤️

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