Parents III (TROS)

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Disclaimer: this story is purely based on author's imagination

For peekaa__boo, Includes short pregnancy story, forgive me as "the making" of Hajun is not included 😅 Enjoy reading!

N 1: Let's meet what's the new family is up to

Hyejin woke up , sitting on her crib. Her eyes met the camera attached on it. She smile at it while trying to get up

N 2: You know I'm always looking forward to the next episodes to see the Kim family.

N 1: Me too. Look, Hyejin is smiling!

Hajun entered the room "Hyejin ah, are you awake?" he asked while walking towards her crib. He put the toy car he was holding inside the crib and climbed on it.

N 1: Omo! Be careful

He got inside the crib, he was hugging his little sister and kissing her.

N 2: They're so cute. My kids are always fighting so I can't see them like that

They are playing together when Soo Hyun entered the room. He got surprised to see Hajun in Hyejin's crib.He laughs and walked towards them. "What are you doing?"

"We're playing, appa!" Hajun said, Soo Hyun carries them both and walks downstairs to eat.

After eating, they settled on the couch in the living room. Hyejin is playing with some stuff toys and Hajun is getting something in the drawer beside the tv.

"What are you doing?" Soo Hyun asked, Hajun gets a photo album and bring it to him.

N 1: It's a photo album. We can see a baby Hajun!

The photo album composed pf Hajun's baby picture. And some photos of Soo Hyun and Yea Ji during their honeymoon in Spain.


Soo Hyun: We had our honeymoon in Spain, As you know she lived there for almost two or three years. Yea Ji really wanted to go back there for a vacation so I think it would be nice if we spent our honeymoon there. We really enjoyed it, specially me, I got to hear her speaking Spanish. We stayed there for three months.

N 1: I heard Yea Ji is fluent in spanish and it really suits her low and deep voice.

Soo Hyun: Before we came back here in Korea, we already knew that she's pregnant.

"You came here Hajun ah." Soo Hyun said while pointing Yea Ji's tummy. It's a photo from her maternity shoot.

"There?" he asked and Soo Hyun nodded

"I was inside?" he asked cutely and curiously

"Yes. Remember when Omma's tummy got big before we met Hyejin?"

Hajun nodded, he quickly process all the information and it's like he understands it really well.

While looking on the pictures, the door bell rings.

"Who's that?" Soo Hyun asked

"It's omma?!" Hajun said and runs to the door to see who is it

N 1: She's really pretty.

Yea Ji entered the house, she just got back from a shoot. "Hajun ah!" she said as she kneel down and open her arms.

Hajun smiled and hug his mom. "I miss you." she said "Where's appa and hyejin?"

Hajun holds her hand and pull her to the living room. Soo Hyun's eyes sparkle as he saw her.

N 1: Look at this man! Really inlove

N 2: *laughs when his eyes got edited with a heart

He stand up carrying hyejin and gave her a hug and kiss on her forehead.

N 1: You know he's the only father in this show who acts sweet infront of the camera

N 2: Right. Other fathers are reserved and barely has an interaction with their wives but Soo Hyun is an exemption.

Hyejin opened her arms, she wants her mom to carry her. Yea Ji get her and sit on the couch.

"You miss me?" she asked her and she smile. The two of them smile.

N 1: Omg, look! Their eyes are smiling.

The next day, Soo Hyun planned to bring the kids outside and enjoy.


Soo Hyun: I really want them, specially Hajun to experience playing outside. I felt bad because he's always at home and if he will go out, he is with his grandparents and it's just in the playground near at home. I don't want want him to feel like everyone's eye is on him if he's with me. I want him to grow up just like other kids. So I hope no one will pay attention to us when we go out.

"Appa, where are we going?" Hajun asked, they are now in the car

"Are we going to the playground, appa? I can play with you there?" he asked excitedly

Soo Hyun nodded, he could feel his son's excitement "Where do you want to go, Hajun ah?"

"Playground and a mall!" he shouted

"Okay! Let's go to the playground and to the mall!"

Sorry if it's short. But I hope you all enjoyed! We're down to the last two parts of 'Parents' Thanks for reading! Happy new year!✨

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