our story: part 17

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Disclaimer: This story is purely based on author's imagination

Episode 14 BTS

They are now in the castle to shoot the emotional and breakdown scenes. Yea Ji get ready as she sips her coffee - it's a secret though as her boyfriend won't still allow her to drink. She's inside the living room sitting on the couch as she reads the script while Soo Hyun is still outside shooting the scene of Gang Tae and Sang In.

She reads her line and started internalizing. She thinks how will she execute all the emotional scenes. It's hard but it's challenging. As she reads the script, she heard footsteps coming towards her. She bites her lips and close her eyes when a hand get the coffee she's holding.

She slowly look up to see him, she pouts and do a puppy eyes to her boyfriend. "I promise this is the first and last for today." she explained softly. Soo Hyun just sighs and give it back to her. He sits beside her and kiss her cheeks. "Are you ready?" he asks her, she nodded. "Don't think too much, just feel Mun Yeong in that moment but don't let it affect you after filming. Okay?"

"I'll try, oppa."

The first scene they will shoot is in the basement.

"1,2,3..... ACTION!"

Gang Tae walks downstairs to go to the basement. He remembered Mun Yeong told him and Sang Tae not to enter there no matter what happens. But not today, he needs to comfort her and he needs to explains everything to her. Seeing her cry a while ago on the hospital makes his heart break into tiny pieces.

He opened the door and saw Mun Yeong, she's standing and looking to a portrait - their family portrait. He slowly walked towards her.

"Mun Yeong ah."

With a heavy breathe, she asks "Did my mom.... really kill your mother?"

"The butterfly that tormented your brother all his life.....

And made your life miserable... was that really my mom?"

 was that really my mom?"

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She turns her back to see him, she is trying her best not to cry and a feeling of denial showers her. She knows in her heart that it's really possible that it's really her mom because of the butterfly. But deep in her heart, she doesn't want to accept that fact and she doesn't know if she can accept it.

"It's not true right?"

"That can't be true."

"Tell me I'm mistaken." she asked him again with single chance of hope. But he just looked down not knowing what to say. That moment she can't no longer hold back her tears.

With a trembling voice "Since when did you know?"

Gang Tae couldn't look on her eyes, "I only found out recently."

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