our story: part 6

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Disclaimer: This story is purely based on author's imagination

A month have passed rapidly, in two days Soo Hyun will officially enlists. Yea Ji is on his house today to help him pack his things. He noticed Yea Ji's mood today, he saw how she often sigh as she fold his shirts and she doesn't talk that much.

He stood up and hugged her from behind, "Why is my baby not in the mood today?" he baby talk as he rests his face on her shoulder, he tried to lighten up the mood because even him is feeling down as they will not be able to see each other for a long time. He's not sure if Yea Ji can visit him becausr it will be a risk.

"hmm?" he kisses her neck and Yea Ji look at him
"then why are you so clingy today?"

"Because I will miss you" he said as he rests her face on her neck deeply. Yea Ji stopped folding his shirts. "I'll miss you too, oppa." Soo Hyun leans to kiss her and she automatically close her eyes- it became a habit. He bit her lower lip  then she opened her mouth, tongue fighting each other. The kiss was deep, he placed his hands on her waist and scoops her to put her in his bed. He started trailing kisses on her jaw, neck and collarbone the  he felt Yea Ji's hand inside her shirt stroking his abs - he kisses her again deeply and pulled away. He rests her forehead against hers as they both catch their breathes.

"Let's stop. For now." he said and she nodded while caressing his back.

This is the last day that they will spend together because Soo Hyun will visit his parent's home and will go straight to the military camp. Also, Yea Ji will go abroad for a shoot. That's better so she will not miss him that much.

Yea Ji cooks dinner for them and Soo Hyun admire her even more "She will be a great wife" he thought. "Oppa, let's eat" he heard her say. He wouldn't lie, every food she cooks is very delicious.

After eating, they settled on his bed staring at each other. Soo Hyun hold her face face while saying "Thank you for coming to me when I needed someone."


"When you texted me that time, I was in dark times. You know what I mean. And being with you make me feel better, Yea Ji ah. I like you so much. I'm willing to take every risks just to be with you.  Wait for me, okay?"

Yea Ji doesn't know why but she became emotional. She snuggle on his chest as she sobbs. "Don't cry, baby." he whispered

"I'll wait for you, oppa." she said but truth be told, she was afraid on what's can happen to them when they are away from each other

Soo Hyun stir as the sunlight hits his face, he saw Yea Ji still sleeping beside him like a baby. He placed a kiss on her forehead and went out to cook breakfast.

While toasting a bread he felt her back hugging him, he smile and turn around to see her. "Goodmorning!" he greet her and kiss her cheeks

After that, they are now leaving. He will drop Yea Ji on her condo and he will go to his parent's house as he planned. The car ride was silent, he could feel her uneasiness. He sigh as he hold her hand.

Lost in her own thoughts, Yea Ji didn't noticed that they are already on the parking lot of her condo.

"Yea Ji ah."

She doesn't know what to feel, separation anxiety kicks in even before he left. She lets out a sigh and look at him. She saw his sad eyes, she smiled and held his face

"Oppa, don't be sad. I'll visit you If I can. Okay?" she assures him

"Don't worry my manager will update you about me. Please please take care of yourself, Yea Ji ah.  I don't want to hear any news about you being sick. Okay?"

"Yes, oppa. You too. Stay safe and healthy. Okay?"

Soo Hyun pulled her into a hug, he closed his eyes and savor the moment, "Wait for me." he whispered and she nodded. His phone started to ring and it's his manager saying he should leave now to avoid the traffic.

Yea Ji pouts and doesn't want to let go. "Oppa." she said softly "Look at me, Yea Ji ah."

"Don't be sad. It's just 2 years. Okay? Besides, I will call when I have a chance. I'll miss you. I love you. Remember that." then he kissed her deeply until his phone rings again.

"I love you, oppa." she said as she smile. She went out of his car and watch him drive away. When she arrived on her unit she saw a bouquet infront of her door. She go inside her unit and sit on the couch and read the letter.

"To my Yea Ji,

Always remember to stay healthy and make sure you are happy when I'm away. I want you to achieve your dreams. I'm proud of you, always. I miss you and I love you very much. See you soon. Don't cry. Okay?

p.s It doesn't matter where I am, I'm yours.❤️

Love, Soo Hyun."

Soo Hyun arrived at his parents house and he said that he's seeing someone right now and he will introduce her when he got discharge. Right now, he was checking some scripts to bring with him on the camp. To check it when he has a free time.  He chose three and put in on his bag.

D-Day || Soo Hyun bid goodbye to his parents and called Yea Ji to say he's on his way. Meanwhile, Yea Ji is also on her way to airport to go to Paris for a photoshoot.


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"I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms."

What are your thoughts about this? I saw a tweet saying that Yea Ji's airport pic (inserted above) was taken the same day when Soo Hyun enlisted. Not sure if it's true tho. Coincidence? 😅❤️

p.s ship responsibly



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