our story: part 4

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Disclaimer: This story is purely based on author's imagination

"Yea Ji ssi!" Soo Hyun was startled as she suddenly lost consciousness. He immediately carry her and put her in the couch. He stood up to open the lights. Then he saw tissues scattered on the floor, scripts and what surprised him was a bottle of sleeping pills. He didn't know what's happening to her right now but he's pretty sure she's going through something and he just want to be there for her.

He sat down on the floor and placed his hand on her forehead- she has a fever. He stood up to find a basin and a towel. After that, he moved her to her bed and he stayed the entire night looking out for her. Luckily, he doesn't have any schedule. He's wondering if she had shooting tomorrow. Then he heard her phone vibrate and look at it.

It was a text from her manager,

"Yea Ji ah, your shoot for this week has been cancelled. The production said your health is more important. I have a friend who is a psychologist, would you like make an appointment? I'm just concerned about you."

"What's happening?" he thought then he made sure her fever went down before going out of her bedroom. He settled himself on her couch, playing with her dogs  and fell asleep after awhile.

He woke up at 7:30 am and checked Yea Ji, he was relieved she doesn't have a fever anymore but she's still sleeping. He decided to cook something for her.

Yea Ji woke up at 8 am as she heard the sounds of plates outside. She was puzzled as she was living alone yet someone's in her kitchen. She sat up and saw a basin and a towel on the table beside her bed.

She immediately went out and got shocked as she see Soo Hyun on the kitchen and then she remembered what happened last night.

"I thought I was just dreaming."

"Why didn't he left?"

Soo Hyun noticed her, "Oh you're awake. Let's eat."

"Why are you here, sunbaenim?"

"Let's talk later. You have to eat." he said as he guide her to the dining area.

After eating they settled on her balcony looking at the busy city. He looked at her, he was kinda frustrated right now because Yea Ji won't talk.  He sigh and speak

"Are you okay?"

"What happened?"

Yea Ji just looked at him. She got shocked ah he hold her hand. He started rubbing it.

"I know you're going through something. I will not force you to open up but please let me stay here beside you."



Yea Ji ssi...

I like y----"

"Stop it."

He stared at her and saw confusion, pain and sadness in her eyes. He pulled her to give her a hug to assure her that he's not rushing things. She was stiff and her hands remain on her side.

Meanwhile he was hugging her tight, one arm on her tiny waist and the other on the back of her head caressing her hair.

"Yea Ji ah, I know you're not ready yet but I want you to know that I like you - actually even before I already had a feelings for you but I knew it was not the right time and now I know you're going through something and it pains me to think that I am one of the reason why you are feeling what you feel right now. I'm sorry but I won't leave you. I'm ready to take the risks. For you. For us. Hmm? Don't push me away please. Let me help you. You have to share your burdens inorder to lighten them and I'm always here to listen." he explained softly and he felt her hugging him back as she snuggled on her chest.

They remain on that position then she looked up to him and smile. He was glad to see her eye smile again.

Then Yea Ji told him what she's going through. From being a method actress, feeling depressed as she felt Sang Mi is inside her, sleepless nights because of her insomnia to experiencing sleep paralysis. Soo Hyun couldn't believe she's going through a lot. Now, he just wanted to take care of her.

"Aren't you going home, sunbaenim?" she asked, it's already 3 pm and Soo Hyun is still on her unit

"Can you please drop the sunbaenim?" he asked

"Then what should I call you?"

"Hmm. You can just call me by my name." he said

"Okay, Soo Hyun ssi." she answered, Soo Hyun smiled- actually he was hoping she would call him oppa but he knows they will get there

"Did you already checked your phone? Sorry I read a text from your manager."

"Ah yes, I'll go to the hospital tomorrow for counseling."  He nodded

They are now watching Netflix on her living room. His eyes was fixed on the tv screen when he saw from his peripheral vision Yea Ji is yawning. He closed the gap between them and held her face to rest on his shoulder.


Yea Ji feels comfortable on her position. She adjust herself on the crook of his neck.

He sighed as he will be away from her two weeks from now for his mandatory military service.

Thank you for reading!❤️ Next chapter will be when Soo Hyun enlists.

just wanna remind everyone that seeking help from counselors/ psychologists is not bad at all. 😊

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