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It's been two years since they celebrate Christmas with just the two of them. But this time, it will be extra special as they will celebrate with it with their son.

It was February 2021 when they tied a knot, they enjoyed their two years as a married couple and on their third year- a blessing came to them.

Kim Hyunji was born on April 2024, Yea Ji had a difficult pregnancy so she took a hiatus to focus on her health while Soo Hyun just finished his filming for his movie and didn't accept any offer to take care of his wife.

Soo Hyun wakes up seeing the most important people in his life. He chuckled as he saw his 8 months old son and his mom's position which is exactly the same. He remembered when Yea Ji complain about Hyunji being his carbon copy when he was just 1 or 2 months but as months passed he notice his eyes smile just like her mom's not just that his nose is also exactly as Yea Ji's. He is nervous that a lot of girls will have  crush on him when he grows up.

He caress their faces and kiss both of them. He gets up to cook their breakfast when he arrives downstairs, he is surprise to see a lot of gifts. There are various sizes and boxes, he checked his phone and saw his manager's text.

"Soo Hyun ah, I needed to bring those gifts to your house, the agency's building looks like a house of santa claus. Those are from you and Yea Ji's fans.

Oh, that gifts are for your son. A lot will be delivered tomorrow it's flooded with gifts here, it's an advantage that your house is big.

btw,Merry Christmas to you and your family."

He shakes his head and hands on his nape. He checked the tags and yeah it's all for Hyunji. He arranged it all on the side so Yea Ji will not be annoyed to see the gifts scattered on the living room.

"Omg. That's a lot." he said as he finished putting it all on the side

He then cooks breakfast quickly, it's already 8 am. While preparing, he heard footsteps from the stairs.

"Woah!"  That was Yea Ji's reaction to see the mountain of gifts in the living room. "Goodmorning." he said

"What's that, oppa?" she asked

"Oh, it's a gifts for our hyunji." he said cheerfully while getting his son on her arms. "Hyunji ah, look. You have a lot of gifts. Let's open it." He was about to walk towards it

"Yah! Let's eat first." Yea Ji stated

After eating, hyunji is already pointing the gifts probably because it has different colors and there's santa claus print. "Go on. I'll do the dishes." Yea Ji said

They've opened some gifts majority are toys, there are some clothes, shoes and some artworks. "Looks like you're the one enjoying to open the gifts." Yea Ji said as she joins him

"Hyunji, no!" she raised her voice when he's about to put a small part of a toy car in his mouth. Soo Hyun grabbed it quickly and he started crying. "Sorry, I didn't see." he said  "It's okay,oppa."

"Let's continue it later." she said and picked up hyunji and go upstairs while Soo Hyun cleaned up the mess.

It's already 10:30 am and they are scheduled to have a photoshoot for their family portrait at 12 pm.

They finished the first photoshoot which is them wearing formal attire.

For the last picture, they changed their clothes for Christmas. Yea Ji is wearing a santa dress, Soo Hyun is also wearing a cloth like santa while their little man is wearing a reindeer costume.

"Ahh. You're so handsome, hyunji ah." Yea Ji said sweetly while caressing his cheeks. "What about me?" Soo Hyun asked whole pouting "Aigoo. This big baby. You're handsome too but this boy is so adorable. Look!" she said, they both smile when he's showing his eye smile

After taking and getting a copy of their pictures, they left the studio and go to a private restaurant to eat lunch. Hyunji is now sleeping on her mother's arm. "My baby got tired from smiling Infront of the camera."

They go home after that, Yea Ji put hyunji on his crib. She lay down on the bed. "Tired?" he asked while laying beside her "Yes. It's been a while since I do photoshoot. I kinda miss it tho."

"You can always go back." he said while hugging her. "I know. But maybe in a few more months or a year, I really want to take care of him."

It's already 11:50 pm, Soo Hyun arranged the food they ordered on the table. "Why did you order a lot? It's just the three of us."

Yea Ji said "Don't worry, our parents will go here later. I invited them. Too bad your sister- noona can't go."

They settled on the balcony, hyunji on his lap, wearing their thick hoodies they are watching the snow falls. "I'm so happy, Yea Ji ah."

"Me too,oppa."

12:00 am 25 December

They kissed under the moonlight while snow is falling.

This indeed is the happiest Christmas they've celebrated.

For the first time, Soo Hyun shared a picture of their son. He posted a photo of Yea Ji carrying hyunji and their family pictures while wearing Christmas costume


"The best gifts I have received. This is our son- Kim Hyunji. Merry Christmas everyone!"

Thank you for reading! Happy holidays and merry christmas for those who celebrate. ❤️✨

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